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Marcin Asłanowicz






Professor Marcin Asłanowicz is an attorney. He holds the position of the President of the Arbitration Court of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan.

His research interests include civil and commercial litigation, in particular the contract law and arbitration.

Since 1997, he has been collaborating with the leading international legal firms, for example the SSW Pragmatic Solutions, where he has been heading the arbitration section since 2008.

Professor Asłanowicz authored and co-authored numerous books, including: Spółka komandytowa. Komentarz (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem konstrukcji sp. z o.o. sp.k., P.S.A. sp.k. oraz sp.j. sp.k.) (Limited Partnership. Commentary, in Particular Concerning Entities such as sp. z o.o. sp.k., P.S.A. sp.k. and sp.j.sp.k), Pozycja prawna arbitra w arbitrażu handlowym (The Legal Position of an Arbiter in Commercial Arbitration), Ustawa o dochodzeniu roszczeń w postępowaniu grupowym. Komentarz (The Act on Class Action Litigation. Commentary), Sąd polubowny (arbitrażowy). Komentarz do 1154 – 1217 KPC, (Arbitration Court. Commentary concerning articles 1154-1217 of the Code of Civil Procedure), Spółka partnerska (Professional Partnership), and "Chapter 11: Professional Partnership" in a book  Prawo spółek osobowch (Partnership Law) (tome 16 in a series System Prawa Prywatnego [The System of Private Law], edited by Andrzej Szajkowski).

At SWPS University, he teaches classes in civil arbitration, international private law, and civil law.

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