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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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SWPS University - Main page

Support in the learning process

Specialized assistance
personal assistant, sign language interpreter, stenographer, orientation and mobility specialist

Personal assistant for persons with disabilities

To ensure that persons with disabilities can enjoy independent and active participation in academic life, SWPS University offers services of personal assistants. Such service is defined as assistance with tasks that are required to fully participate in the learning process, but cannot be completed by the student independently. Services of an assistant are provided only on campus, when a student with disabilities is present in the classroom.

Some of the services provided by our assistants include:

  • notetaking during classes and lectures
  • assistance with moving around the campus
  • assistance with photocopying and digitization of teaching materials at the library
  • assistance in matters related to student affairs, requiring visits to various offices at SWPS University
  • assistance during training sessions and conferences organized by SWPS University.

Sign language interpreter

If you are deaf or hearing impaired, you can request services of a sign language interpreter, who will assist you during lectures, classes, and seminars or will help you take notes. You may also invite your own sign language interpreter or stenographer to assist you during classes.

Services of a sign language interpreter include:

  • interpreting during lectures, classes, and other instances required to complete the program of study
  • interpreting during consultations with academic teachers and during exams
  • one on one assistance in other situations related to full participation in the learning process at SWPS University.


Stenographers help students with disabilities to take notes on the computer, during lectures, classes and seminars.

Services of a stenographer include:

  • accurate recording of lectures, class instruction, and classroom discussions (for the deaf and hearing impaired)
  • taking notes during classes (for persons with disabilities, who are unable to write).

Orientation and mobility specialist

For the blind and visually impaired persons, SWPS University offers services of orientation and mobility specialists who teach students how to travel from home to the campus, and move around the campus. We provide individual teaching sessions, as required. Psychological consultations.

Psychological support

Psychological support

We offer psychological consultations for persons experiencing psychological crisis. The consultations take a form of ad-hoc, emergency support. We do not provide long-term psychotherapy. During consultations, our psychologist suggest potential steps you can take to resolve a difficult situation. The goal of these consultations is to provide immediate support and indicate the next steps conducive to the improvement of the student’s wellbeing.

We provide psychological consultations in the following instances:

  • prolonged sadness, low mood, and hopelessness
  • exacerbated anxiety or panic attacks that negatively impact your daily life
  • problems with completing your usual tasks and loss of interest in your favorite activities
  • difficulties in concentrating, memorizing, and decision making
  • increased irritability, anger or aggressive behavior towards yourself or others.

Curriculum adjustments

Equivalents to completing foreign language module

For deaf and hearing impaired persons any spoken language can pose a challenge. Therefore, students with these disabilities may request to complete a foreign language module in a different way. In such instances, applications are reviewed on a case by case basis and appropriate solutions are implemented.

E-learning module to complete physical education requirement

In Poland, physical education classes are mandatory for several semesters. Physical education options include basketball, volleyball, judo, self-defense, and dance. You can choose a class that best suits your abilities and interests.

Persons with disabilities have an option of meeting this requirement by completing an e-learning module concerning healthy lifestyle. The module provides students with information about healthy eating and positive outlook on life.

Examination adjustments

In some instances, persons with disabilities may request a different form of examination than a written test or exam. The goal of providing different examination options to students with disabilities is to level their chances in achieving educational goals, while still maintaining the rigorous examination requirements. Individual exams take place in a separate room, at the same time as the regular exam, and may include special adjustments such as prolonged examination time, an oral instead of a written exam or a written exam instead of an oral exam, exam materials printed in a larger font, or typing exam answers instead of writing by hand.

Other support

Rental of specialized equipment

If you need portable equipment enabling you to record or read teaching materials during classes, such as a laptop, voice recorder, or a portable magnifier, submit a request to the Accessibility, Scholarship and Student Events Center (room no. 006). SWPS University can lend you the equipment for the required duration.

We offer voice recorders, laptops, readers/players, magnifiers, and light notebooks.

Special equipment for rental

If you need portable equipment to process materials for use during your courses (e.g., laptop, voice recorder, portable magnifying glass), please contact the Centre for Accessibility and University Events - Office for Students with Disabilities (room no. 004) and let them know what specific equipment you need. The university may subsequently buy the equipment and lend it to you, for example for the duration of a semester.

Currently, we have professional voice recorders, laptops, screen readers, lightweight notebooks, and magnifying glasses.

Photocopying of notes and teaching materials

If your disability prevents you from taking notes and writing during lectures, you may be entitled to free photocopying of notes taken by your fellow students who agree to share their notes with you.


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