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Agnieszka Czerw, Ph.D. is a psychologist specializing in work and organizational psychology. She researches the quality of life of adults in the context of their professional work. In her research, she combines the approaches of the work and organizational psychology with positive psychology. She is interested in employee well-being and the value and meaning of work in people’s lives.

Dr. Czerw conducts organizational assessments based on quantitative (questionnaires and surveys) and qualitative (individual and focus group interviews) methods. She also consults on the implementation and improvement of human management processes in organizations. She develops diagnostic tools. For example, she co-developed a Professional Interests Questionnaire that was commissioned by Poland’s Ministry of Family and Social Policy (formerly Ministry of Labor and Social Policy).

She has authored two books: Optymizm. Perspektywa psychologiczna (Optimism. A Psychological Perspective), Psychologiczny model dobrostanu w pracy. Wartość i sens pracy (Psychological Model of Well-Being at Work. The Value and Meaning of Work), and co-authored Satysfakcja z pracy w zawodach z misją społeczną (Work Satisfaction in Social Impact Professions).

She is a founder, member, and a long-standing Chair of the Polish Positive Psychology Association.

At SWPS University in Poznań Dr. Czerw teaches classes on leadership, research in organizations, foundations of psychology, personal skills, advanced psychometrics, and psychological essay writing. She is also the Coordinator of the Psychology program.

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