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Anna Orylska is a psychologist. Her research interests focus on clinical psychology, in particular improving the quality of diagnosis and interventions in developmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as well as co-occurring conditions such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), mood disorders, and anxiety in children, adolescents, and adults. Dr. Orylska is also interested in cognitive psychology, in particular the development and deficits of executive functions in the context of child development and mental disorders as well as developmental and education psychology with the focus on the stimulation of executive functions and methods of aligning special education with the needs of students suffering from mental disorders.

Dr. Orylska is a recipient of a doctoral scholarship from the National Science Centre, in the ETIUDA 2 funding scheme, for her project “Efektywna stymulacja funkcji wykonawczych dzieci predysponowanych do ADHD w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym” (Effective stimulation of executive function in preschool and early school-age children predisposed to ADHD). In 2019, she won the Professor Roman Czarnecki award for her article “Growth Mixture Modeling Study of Learning Trajectories in an Extended Computerized Working Memory Training Programme Developed for Young Children Diagnosed With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder" published in Frontiers of Education.

As an expert specializing in the development of diagnostic tools, she is part of a research team working on a research-implementation project “Development and dissemination of diagnostic tools for the assessment of cognitive abilities in children and youth”, financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund. She was also the Principal Investigator in a research project “Training, motivation and maturation influences on development of executive functions in early childhood”, financed by National Science Centre in the Preludium 2 funding scheme.

She authored numerous articles, including “Growth Mixture Modeling Study of Learning Trajectories in an Extended Computerized Working Memory Training Programme Developed for Young Children Diagnosed With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder" (Frontiers of Education, volume 4, article 12); and book chapters such as “Rehabilitacja funkcji wykonawczych u dzieci i młodzieży” (Rehabilitation of cognitive functions in children and adolescents) [in: E.M. Szepietowska and B. Daniluk (ed.), Rehabilitacja neuropsychologiczna ujęcie holistyczne (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Historic Approach) (pp. 231–245), Lublin, Wydawnictwo Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej].

At SWPS University, she teaches classes in psychopathology (including psychopathology in film) and diagnosis and therapy of developmental disorders.

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