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SWPS University - Main page


Dominika Winogrodzka is a sociologist. She holds a Master’s degree in Sociology (Market Research and Public Policy Analysis specialization) from the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University. Currently, she is pursuing a doctorate at SWPS University’s Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, where she is working on a dissertation entitled ‘(Non)linear social sequences of young migrants from middle towns in Poland’, which will incorporate results of a study “Education-to-domestic and- foreign labor market transitions of youth: The role of locality, peer group and new media”, National Science Centre, Poland), where Dominika is a research assistant (scholarship).

Her research interests concentrate on youth mobility and youth work, social research methods and data visualization.

She collaborates with the Youth Research Center at SWPS University on various research projects, including Peer Groups and Migration project (Doctoral Research Fellow) funded by the SONATA BIS program of the National Science Centre; and the CeeYouth project funded by the Daina 1 program of the National Science Centre.

Dominika is currently one of the researchers working on a Horizon 2020 research project MIMY.
A Member of European Sociological Association. Member of the Board of the Foundation for The Development of Social Research.

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