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BIO Dorota Wiszejko


Dorota Wiszejko-Wierzbicka

Ph.D. / Assistant Professor


Institute of Social Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences in Warsaw
Department of Social Studies


Psychologist, sexologist, family mediator and psychotherapist in the process of certification by the Institute of Group Analysis IGA Rasztów. She specializes in the development of social and emotional competences (the so-called social intelligence – SQ and emotional intelligence – EQ). Professionally, she is interested in the process of reaching autonomy and maturity in psychosocial and psychosexual development and the sense of well-being in adolescents and adults.

She provides psychological and sexological consultations for adolescents and adults as well as individual psychotherapy, couples therapy and group therapy. She works with people suffering from anxiety, personality disorders, and depression. She provides therapy for people with social and emotional problems and people in crisis situations caused by: betrayal, death of a loved one, health or job loss, and moving home. She also works with clients who suffer from gender identity issues, sexual dysfunctions (e.g. difficulties in sexual relations with partners), sexual desire disorders (e.g. the lac of or an excessive sex drive) and sexual dysfunctions.

She has gained professional experience as a psychologist and sexologist by working at Poradnia Seksuologiczna i Patologii Współżycia (Sexual Disfunction and Disorders Clinic) in Warsaw, Harvard Medical School in Boston, Klinika Psychiatryczna Collegium Medicum UJ (Psychiatry Clinic at the Jagiellonian University Medical College), and the SYNAPSIS Foundation, where she worked with patients suffering from the Asperger Syndrome. Currently, she works at Centrum Terapii i Kreatywności (Center for Therapy and Creativity), in Waraw.

At SWPS University, she lectures in social psychology, psychology of close relationships and mediation.