Grzegorz Sędek
Institute of Psychology
Head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies (ICACS)
Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw
Department of Cognitive Psychology, Development and Education
Psychologist. He specializes in experimental psychology, including: social, clinical and cognitive psychology. His interdisciplinary research focuses on cognitive limitations, in particular, how aging, psychopathology, ADHD and disorders associated with depression impact cognitive limitations. He also researches the role of stereotypes and prejudices in social cognition among the elderly.
Receipient of the MASTER/MISTRZ grant from the Foundation for Polish Science for research on improving cognitive capabilities in the elderly. The Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies (ICACS), which he leads, coordinates many national and international projects with the use of psychophysiological equipment, such as fMRI, EEG and oculography. Organizer of various workshops, symposia and conferences.
Author and co-editor of numerous books, including: Życie na czas. Perspektywy badawcze postrzegania czasu [Living by the clock. Research perspectives on time perception] (2010), Podpatrywanie myśli i uczuć. Zaburzenia i optymalizacja procesów poznawczych i emocjonalnych [Observing thoughts and emotions. Disorders and optimalization of cognitive and emotional processes] (2011), Ograniczenia poznawcze. Starzenie się i psychopatologia [Cognitive limitations. Aging and psychopathology] (2013), as well as many publications in Polish and foreign journal, including Cognition and Emotion, Journal of Experimental Psychology, European Psychologist.
At SWPS University he is a master's thesis advisor and lectures on research methodology and planning research projects for doctoral students.