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Izabela Krejtz is a specialist in eye-tracking method and ecological momentary assessments (EMA) in cognitive psychopathology. She researches determinants of daily wellbeing, among them the effectiveness of gratitude training. She conducts eye-tracking studies on cognitive biases in various study groups, such as hearing impaired or depressed individuals.

Her projects have been awarded research grants by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) and the National Science Centre (NCN). She is a supervisor of Ph.D. research projects, and co-investigator in several projects. Currently, she supervises the following project: “The relationship between the menstrual cycle, anxiety and cognitive functioning – moderating role of oral contraceptives”, Principal Investigator: Melanie Kowalczyk (2021-2024).

Selected publications: Krejtz, I., Krejtz, K., Wisiecka, K., Abramczyk, M., Olszanowski, M., Duchowski, A. (2020), “Attention dynamics during emotion recognition by deaf and hearing individuals”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10–21.
Krejtz, I., Rohnka, N., Holas, P., Rusanowska, M., & Nezlek, J. B. (2020), “Manifestations of clinical depression in daily life: A Daily diary study of descriptions of naturally occurring events”, Cognition and Emotion, 34 (8), 1664–1675.
Holas P., Krejtz I., Rusanowska M., Rohnka, N., Nezlek J. B. (2019), “Attention to negative words predicts daily rumination among people with clinical depression: Evidence from an eye tracking and daily diary study”, Cognition and Emotion, 33 (6), 1277–1283.
Sztachańska, J., Krejtz, I., Nezlek, J. (2019), “Using a gratitude intervention to improve the psychological functioning of women with breast cancer: a daily diary study”, Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1365.
Krejtz, I., Holas, P., Rusanowska, M., Nezlek, J. B. (2018), “Positive online attentional training as a means of modifying attentional and interpretational biases among the clinically depressed: An experimental study using eye-tracking”, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1–13.

At SWPS University she teaches application of eye-tracking in psychological research.


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