Professor Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pędich retired in October 2020, however she still collaborates with SWPS University, mainly on teaching projects. She continues her research into the 20th century American poetry and prose, Jewish culture, cultural memory studies, and inter-cultural communication in the context of education and business relations.
Professor Aleksandrowicz-Pędich has written numerous publications, including books, such as Literatura amerykańska w kształceniu nauczycieli języka angielskiego (American Literature in Education of Teachers of English) (2003), Międzykulturowość na lekcjach języków obcych (Cultural Differences in Teaching Foreign Languages) (2005), Memory and Neighborhood: Poles and Poland in Jewish American Fiction after World War Two (2013), Między Freudem a Bogiem. Życie i twórczość Anne Sexton (Between Freud and God. The Life and Work of Anne Sexton) (2020), Z Połocka do amerykańskiej Ziemi Obiecanej. Życie i dzieło Mary Antin (From Połock do American Promised Land. Life and work of Mary Antin) (2024). She edited series of books, on American prose, and on female poets. She is also an editor of “Studies in Jewish History and Memory” at Peter Lang Publishers.