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SWPS University - Main page




Profil naukowy

Natalia Kowalczyk, Ph.D. researchers brain neuroplasticity, in particular the ability of the nervous system to adjust to the requirements of the environment and how different experiences change the brain.

She is interested in the dynamics between the brain structure and brain function, which underlie neural correlates of learning, in particular neurorehabilitation and the improvement of cognitive functions in patients who have suffered brain damage. She also researchers how learning new skills, such as computer gaming, impacts brain structure and cognitive function.

In her research she applies not only classic tools of cognitive psychology but also MRI technology.

Dr. Kowalczyk is a recipient of a research grant from the National Science Centre, a Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship, and the START grant provided by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). She also completed a research fellowship at the Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

At SWPS University she teaches classed in the analysis of MRI data.

Thematic areas

  • Brain
  • Analysis of neuroimaging data
  • Cognitive functions
  • Neurorehabilitation

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