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SWPS University - Main page

BIO Paweł Ostaszewski


Paweł Ostaszewski


Director of the Institute of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw
Head of the Department of Behavioral Psychology


Psychologist. He specializes in behavioral and biological psychology, and radical behaviorism. He is interested in applying behavioral psychology to personal development and therapy. He researches the impact of behavioral methods on behavior change, especially the development of the so-called psychological flexibility by means of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). He also studies decision making, self-control, and impulsivity in the context of delayed rewards and rewards requiring effort.

He coauthored the following books: Terapia behawioralna dzieci z autyzmem [Behavioral Therapy for Children with Autism] (2012), Analiza zachowania. Vademecum [Behavior Analysis. A Vademecum] (2016), Współczesna psychologia behawioralna [Contemporary Behavioral Psychology] (2016).

At SWPS University, he teaches biological foundations of behavior analysis, basic principles and concepts from behavior analysis, as well as principles of behavior modification. He is also a coordinator of the “Psychology of shaping and modification of behavior” specialization.