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SWPS University - Main page

Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology Research Club

Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology Research Club

The Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology Research Club (KNPP) was established to bridge the gap between the growing interest of students in psychiatry and psychopharmacology and the curriculum offered by psychology programs.


The idea of the Club is based on three pillars. As future psychologists, and perhaps also future therapists, we think that a broader knowledge related to available pharmacotherapies and indications for specific medications is indispensable and useful. We believe that this knowledge will help us better understand our future patients and specific aspects and episodes in their lives. The second element of our activity is cooperation with psychiatrists, not only in their offices, but also in psychiatric wards. Thirdly, we want to carefully study biological and neuronal mechanisms underlying psychological disorders. It is especially important in the era of significant presence of neuroscience in approaches to treatment and therapy.


  • learning how psychiatric practice looks like
  • discussing selected clinical cases and topics in psychiatry
  • learning about biological mechanisms and etiology of psychological disorders
  • learning about different types of psychiatric medications, their history, characteristics, mechanisms of action, selection and dosage
  • observing the current state of psychiatry in Poland, work conditions and opportunities, legal regulations, and internal procedures in psychiatric support institutions
  • learning about the challenges of psychiatric profession
  • learning about the history of psychiatry and the development of the discipline
  • looking at the transcultural aspect of psychiatry
  • learning about the differences in between child, adolescent, adult, and senior psychiatry as well as psychiatry focused on people with disabilities and persons with neurological disorders
  • learning about the key contributors to the field of psychiatry

Club Meetings

Club meetings are open to anyone, everyone is welcome. The meetings take place in irregular intervals, however we do try to organize them at least once in two weeks. There are two formats of our meetings:

  1. Presentations on selected topics by Club’s Board members, Club members, or interested students of SWPS University.
  2. Lectures delivered by invited guests, followed by a discussion or a conversation with the guests. Participation: Club members only.

Due to the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, our Club meetings will take place by means of Google Meet. Details of meetings, such as topics, speakers, dates, access, etc. will be available via event notifications, on our Facebook profile and the Club’s group.


  • The Board of KNPP reserves the right to change the form of Club meetings, the Club’s structure, rules of membership, and regulations.
  • Recording (video and audio) and photographing of KNPP meetings is prohibited (in case of online meetings this rule pertains to the recording of sound, screen and to photographing the screen)
  • By participating in the meetings of KNPP, you are bound by confidentiality concerning other meeting participants and anything that was said, heard, and any content presented and shared during the meetings - publication and distribution of this information is prohibited.
  • If during a discussion of a case (presented material), you recognize someone you know, you are obligated to immediately inform one of the KNPP Board members present at the meeting.
  • Topics discussed during the Club meetings may cause discomfort and emotional distress. Before joining a meeting, please consider whether the topic might cause you some distress (e.g. intensified emotions, such as fear or anger, mood change, recollection or visualization of painful experiences, trauma reactivation, etc.).
  • If during the meeting you have a negative reaction (e.g. a strong reaction to the topic/content, unpleasant emotions or thoughts, etc.), please inform a Club’s Board member present at the meeting.
  • KNPP meetings are not a substitute or an alternative for psychological or psychiatric help and they should not be treated in this way However, we can recommend the right specialists and, if possible, provide contact information
  • We do hope that for all KNPP members and meeting participants respectful conduct (including the rules of online etiquette) are obvious and fundamental.

Membership Rules


  • you must be a student of SWPS University
  • you must be at least a third-year student of psychology, for students of a five-year integrated Master’s Degree program, (preferably the clinical psychology path or demonstrate interest in clinical psychology/psychiatry) or a student of at least second semester of the 2nd year for persons enrolled in the 3.5-year program (if you are following an individual study program)
  • you must be present at at least 70-75% KNPP meetings during a semester (presence verified during meetings)
  • you must sign a declaration stating your acceptance of the membership rules and regulations
  • membership is granted per semester, if you meet the requirements
    participation in KNPP’s organizational meetings
  • readiness to hold roles agreed upon with the Club’s Board
    completing tasks assigned to you by the Club’s Board
  • active participation in the Club’s meetings and engagement in its development and initiatives


  • a certificate of membership for the purpose of applying for a scholarship
  • preferential attendance at all Club events (limited number of places)
  • supporting environment, access to valuable materials, networking
  • opportunities to participate in closed meetings with the Club’s Guests (open only to the Club members) and in informal discussions with Guests, in a small group.

Location and Contact:

SWPS University
Chodakowska 19/31, 03-815 Warsaw
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Founders and Board

  • Zofia Gontarek
  • Hubert Matukiewicz