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Rafał Laskowski






Rafał Gabriel Laskowski is a sociobiologist. He is interested in issues of posthumanism and researches evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI). His other research interests include Machine Learning (ML) evolutionism, intelligent project, theistic evolution, sociology, sociobiology, and Classical Europe. He has been researching the concept of Metaverse since 2012. He is also interested in Asian cultures, including China, Singapore, Japan and South Korea.

Rafał completed doctoral level studies in Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). He also studied Political Science, National Security specialization, at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, where he defended his Master’s theses focused on “Robotics and its impact on the current civilization” (2012).

He runs a startup TediBerry Little Metaverse, a gaming educational technology (edtech) platform that aims to inspire people through art and education. Moreover, he developed the “PAAT” and “Rational Democracy” theories, which provide foundation for his TroAI project, concerned with the development of AI inspired by the values of Classical Europe.

Rafał also developed Precision Depth API technology for Augmented Reality (AR) engines (one year before Google and Apple, and 3 years before Niantic).

As national security analyst he collaborates with the Collegium Civitas’s Terrorism Research Center (TRC), Polish Parliamentary Commission for National Defense, and the Euro-Atlantic Association, a Polish non-governmental organization interested in foreign policy, defense, and international relations.

Rafał is also a ballet dancer. He studied at the L’ecole-Atelier Rudra-Bejart in Lousanne and Roman Turczynowicz Ballet School in Warsaw.

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