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Professor Romana Kadzikowska-Wrzosek is a psychologist. She specializes in personality and motivational psychology, in particular self-regulation, goal setting, and action planning.

She is a principal investigator in a research project “Determinanty oraz konsekwencje odwlekania godziny snu przez adolescentów z perspektywy teorii autodeterminacji, procesualnego modelu działań zdrowotnych oraz różnic indywidualnych w chronotypie” (Determinants and consequences of sleep procrastination in adolescents from the perspective of the Self-determination Theory, process-based health-oriented behavior, and individual chronotype differences).

She authored a book Siła woli. Autonomia, samoregulacja i kontrola działania (Willpower. Autonomy, self-regulation, and control), published by Smak Słowa, Sopot 2013. She also published numerous articles, such as "Self-regulation and bedtime procrastination: The role of self-regulation skills and chronotypes", in Personality and Individual Differences, “Insufficient sleep among adolescents: The role of bedtime procrastination, chronotype and autonomous vs. controlled motivational regulations” in Current Psychology (2018), "Autonomous vs. heteronomous mode of action control and task performance: The role of the situational context and action vs. state orientation", in Polish Psychological Bulletin, and “Siła woli a subiektywny dobrostan i poczucie autodeterminacji: Moderująca rola stresu" (Willpower, subjective wellbeing, and self-determination: moderating impact of stress), in Przegląd Psychologiczny.

At SWPS University she teaches classes in personality psychology.


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