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SWPS University - Main page

Meet our Researchers

Paula Pustułka


SWPS University is a leading research center in Poland. Results of our research find numerous practical applications in education, business organizations, and public administration. These discoveries require drive, courage, dedication, responsibility, and years of hard work. We would like you to meet the people behind the projects, see the research centers where they work, and discover the fascinating world of science, which improves the quality of life.

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Research Focus
youth studies, gender studies, migrations

Paula Pustułka, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Warsaw and the Head of the Youth Research Center at SWPS University. She is a sociologist and social researcher specializing in youth studies, gender studies and migrations. As a researcher, she is particularly interested in periods of change in people’s lives, such as transition to adulthood and parenting. As a young researcher, Dr. Pustułka researched youth migrations, primarily from the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) countries to the UK. Then she realized that youth is a period in the lives of people, which is full of big changes, transitions and “firsts”, such as going to a university (often in a different city or country), first jobs, first significant relationships, transitions from being single to being married, and transitions to parenthood. She also noticed that experiences of men and women varied, therefore she also expanded her research to gender studies to better understand the processes occurring in youth.

As the Head of the Youth Research Center, Dr. Pustułka believes in providing opportunities to young researchers at early stages of their careers.

Research centers are those areas which we traditionally associate with people who are quite established in their careers, but my research center, potentially because it focuses on youth, brings together people who are academically, so to speak, young. So they have just finished their Master’s, started their Ph.Ds, they are early postdocs or early career. This mentoring aspect is very important to me, and I think that we, at the Center, are trying to create this atmosphere of collegiality and also sisterhood. I am not afraid to say that , because we have projects dedicated to the gender aspect also in academia and in the private and professional lives of people.

Paula Pustułka
Paula Pustułka
Ph.D. / Associate Professor

Hear Dr. Pustułka speak about:

Research in youth, gender and migration studies

Dr. Pustułka talks about her passion for empowering young people so that their voices are heard and included more often in the central discourse, politics and the society as a whole.

Read more about Dr. Pustułka's research

Research Center
Youth Research Center

Youth Research Center conducts interdisciplinary research into the behaviors and habits of youth at various stages of life and professional activity. Researchers study the key aspect of adolescent life, including addictions, entry into the workforce, political behaviors and parenting in the digital age. The Center focuses on social, cognitive and emotional skills of teenagers and works towards strategies that help young people face the challenges of modern life.
Youth Research Center

Video Series
Researchers of SWPS University

Meet our researchers. Hear them talk about their passion for finding answers to scientific questions and their commitment to providing solutions, which improve the lives of individuals and communities.

The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland programme.

Meet our researchers