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SWPS University - Main page

SWPS University Choir

SWPS University Choir

We are an enthusiastic group of singers, full of ideas and positive energy. We share common traits such as unfailing optimism, good humor, and unceasing passion for singing!

Our ensemble was established in 2001 and initially, it performed during various events at SWPS University. Gradually, we began undertaking new forms of artistic expression and started reaching a wider audience.

177songs in repertoire

We participate in various musical events, such as concerts, festivals, and choral competitions. Over the past 17 years, we performed over 150 times and participated in more than twenty festivals and competitions, in Poland and abroad.

We have been performing at numerous philharmonics, prestigious concert halls, and churches of different denominations, including Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Evangelical. We sing in a variety of languages, including Polish, English, French, German, Swedish, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Belorussian, Latin and the Old Church Slavonic language.

Our first album!

We are extremely happy to announce that together with the Bastarda Trio we have been working on an album with traditional music in modern arrangements.

Thanks to the financing from the Society of Authors and Stage Composers ZAiKS, we have managed to secure more than 50 percent of the funds required to complete this project. If you would like to help us reach our goal, you can pre-order our record. For our most generous donors, we have prepared several musical prizes. A link to our crowdfunding campaign is available on our Facebook page.

Together despite imposed isolation

Over the past several months, due to the pandemic, we have been rehearsing separately, but it has not stopped us from singing together. Our latest accomplishment is a recording of a popular song “Ach, śpij kochanie” (Oh, go to sleep, darling), written by a renowned Polish composer Henryk Wars (also known as Henry Vars), from a popular 1920s Polish film.

Recently, we have been gradually returning to rehearsing together, in person. In February and March 2021, we run the long awaited auditions for candidates wishing to join our choir. Details on our Facebook page. on our Facebook page »

Our Conductor

Ewa Mackiewicz

Ewa Mackiewicz – is the founder and the conductor of SWPS University Choir. Ewa studied at the Department of Instrumental and Educational Studies in Białystok, a branch of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, in the class of Professor Bożenna Sawicka. She holds diplomas in Theory of Music and Music Artistic Education. Additionally, she completed graduate certificate studies in Choral Conducting, in the class of Professor Andrzej Banasiewicz. Furthermore, she polished her symphonic orchestra conducting skills under the wing of Professor Ryszard Dudek.

She collaborated with numerous choirs in Warsaw, including “Subtilior Ensamble”, the Choir of the University of Warsaw, the Choir of the St. John’s Archcathedral in Warsaw, the Polonia Choir, the Choir of the St. Maria Magdalena Orthodox Cathedral, St. Tatiana Choir of the John Climacus's Orthodox Parish., located in the district of Wola in Warsaw.

Since 2009, Ewa Mackiewicz has also been working as a voice and vocal coach. Initially, from 2009 to 2010, she worked with singers of the National Folk Song and Dance Ensemble Mazowsze, and since 2010 with the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Our Vocal Coaches

Arkadiusz Górka

Arkadiusz Górka – graduated with a first and second level diploma in guitar from the Grażyna Bacewicz State Music Academy No. 3 in Warsaw. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Artistic Education, which he obtained under the guidance of Professor Wanda Tchórzewska-Kapała, and a Master’s degree in Choral Conducting, obtained under the guidance of Professor Ryszard Zimak, from the Chopin University of Music. Between 2011 and 2014 he sang with the Choir of the Warsaw Chamber Orchestra. As a singer, he often performed at the National Opera. Currently, he works as a voice and vocal coach with the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Rafał Wróblweski

Rafał Wróblewski – Graduated with the first and second level diploma in flute, from the State Music Academy in Ełk. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Choral Singing, obtained under the guidance of Tomasz Szymuś, from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. He holds a Master’s degree in Choral Conducting, obtained under the guidance of Professor Ryszard Zimak, from the Chopin University of Music.

He also performs popular and jazz music, for example at Zaduszki Jazzowe Festival in Ełk. He also teaches music in a primary school.

Moreover, he is a vocal and voice coach and runs choral singing workshops. He is an assistant conductor of the Choir of the Warsaw-Praga Cathedral. He is the conductor of the Sonus Lumine Choir, which he established in 2019.


Choir Members


  • Dominika Borowiecka
  • Agata Brzuska
  • Maria Buchwald
  • Maryna Glagovych
  • Iwona Grajkowska
  • Urszula Kołoło
  • Zofia Kupczyk
  • Ada Komorowska
  • Kaja Machalska
  • Marzena Opacka
  • Zofia Pokrzywnicka
  • Joanna Pragacz
  • Paula Radomska
  • Magdalena Rek
  • Julia Rolińska
  • Yeva Tsinska
  • Magdalena Zdunek


  • Nora Cakirgolu
  • Monika Czerwińska
  • Maria Dorn
  • Michalina Gorzkowska
  • Elżbieta Grochowska
  • Maria Haraszkiewicz
  • Joanna Kalinowska
  • Julia Kellner
  • Natalia Lenfant
  • Anastasiia Mostenets
  • Joanna Opacka
  • Katia Pozhydaieva
  • Bea Rutkowska
  • Yaryna Stupnytska
  • Alina Vozhova
  • Magdalena Zbrzeźniak
  • Gabriela Zwierzyńska


  • Nikodem Bojarski
  • Michał Chęciński
  • Wiktor Gajewski
  • Filip Kołada
  • Michał Pazdan
  • Paweł Sierszeń
  • Paweł Smater


  • Przemysław Buczkowski
  • Mateusz Gaweł
  • Karol Grąbczewski
  • Frederik Gruyaert
  • Arthur Janik
  • Bronisław Kryciński
  • Jacek Lange
  • Ian Lenfant
  • Tomasz Luber
  • Jakub Pruszczyński
  • Bartosz Romanowski
  • Aleksander Sobczyński
  • Mateusz Zbrzeźniak


Our Accomplishments


7 x 1st place
9 x 2nd place
4 x 3rd place
1honorable mention

We are especially proud of the following achievements:

  • performing Carl Orff’s cantata “Carmina Burana”, together with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR) and other choirs from Warsaw (in 2017)
  • the world premiere of “Ecce Homo” by Jakub Kaczmarek, inspired by writings of Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) (2015)
  • co-performing of Gustaw Mahler’s Symphony No. 8, known as “Symphony of a Thousand” (2013)
  • performing pieces by a renowned Argentinian composer Ariel Ramirez: “Misa Criolla” and “Navidad Nuestra” (2011)
  • recording a television program “Christmas Carols for Warsaw”, which was broadcast by TVP Warsaw, a local station of the national television broadcaster (2010)
  • co-performing, together with the Sinfonia Iuventus orchestra, in a live concert that was part of a global multimedia event Video Games Live! (2009)
  • co-performing renowned oratorios, such as Gustaw Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 and opera’s by Russian composers (2007)
  • co-performing, with other academic choirs, the Polish premiere of a comic operetta “Candide” by Leonard Bernstein (2006)
  • performing most popular fragments of Russian operas (2005)

Our repertoire

We sing early and contemporary music, classical, pop, and folk music from around the world as well as a variety of church music. Our repertoire includes:

80pieces of church music
47Christmas carols and songs
39other songs
11hymns & patriotic songs

Choir Management Board

Marzena Opacka
Event Manager

Paweł Smater
PR Manager

Maria Haraszkiewcz
HR Manager


• 18:00 Basses
• 18:00 Tenors
• 19:30 TUTTI

• 18:00 Altos
• 18:00 Sopranos
• 19:30 TUTTI


chor logo2

SWPS University Choir
Chodakowska 19/31
03-815 Warsaw, Poland
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tel. +48 660 847 890

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Ewa Mackiewicz
mobile: 508 262 033
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Photos: Joanna Juzoń