Feedback as a public policy intervention.Comparative analysis and serious game testing of change mechanisms in food waste policies.

principal investigator / project leader
Ph.D. / Associate Professor
public policy expert specializing in the design and evaluation of public interventions
Full bio project value: PLN 920,855
funding source: National Science Center
discipline: political and administrative sciences, social sciences, sociology
location: Warsaw
duration: 2022 2023 2024 2025
Good policies are only the first step in the process of improving public life. How can societies change their behaviors and habits to follow new policies aimed and improving communities? Researchers from SWPS University will investigate these change mechanisms.
Funding provided by the National Sciences Center, project no.: 2021/43/B/HS5/01935
Project objectives
The project aims to improve our understanding of feedback used as a policy intervention, and more specifically, its effectiveness in changing behaviors of policy addressees – individual citizens and organizations. We focus on policy interventions aimed at reducing food waste as food waste is a problem ubiquitous and pressing in all developed countries, which generates numerous policy efforts.
We apply a combination of methods. In order to identify the conditions that lead to successful food waste policies, we will compare 30 cases of interventions from the U.S. and the European Union. To understand dynamic mechanisms, which have enabled change among individuals and organizations, we will analyze the related processes in-depth. Finally, we will use two serious games to test what feedback characteristics work best. We will recreate the key change mechanisms, identified in study interventions, and run four quasi-experimental sessions with real policy participants in those games.
Practical application of results
Our research will provide three major outcomes.
- The project will advance our understanding of how we can use feedback to improve the individual and collective behaviors in the policy areas important to our societies.
- It will provide practical illustrations, cases of effective food waste interventions and explain how and why they worked. That would allow for the potential replication of good practices in other contexts.
- The project will extend our toolbox of policy analysis and design. It will offer methods for comparing policy interventions across countries, and it will promote the use of serious games for safe testing of different options of policy interventions.