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SWPS University Receives PLN 4.5M in Research Grants from NCN

SWPS University Receives PLN 4.5M in Research Grants from NCN

Researchers from SWPS University have been awarded a total of PLN 4.5M in grants from the National Science Centre (NCN) for research projects that will focus on topics such as collective narcissism as the cause of retaliatory aggression, facilitation of happiness, and transition to motherhood across three generations of Polish women.

Mindful gratitude as a way of reducing collective narcissists' retaliatory aggression

Nowadays, relationships between various cultural, ethnic or ideological groups provide fertile ground for animozity and a potential feeling of rejection, on the part of one group, regardless of the intentions of the group, which is being perceived as the culprit. Some people interpret this rejection as a threat to the reputation of their own group and may react agressivley. These people often establish or join radical organizations that do not hesitate to engage in violoent actions (e.g. terrorist attacks). Research shows that members of these organizations display many traits of collective narcissism. They believe that their group is extremely important and deserves a privileged treatment, but others do not appreciate the goup sufficiently enough.

Thanks to the grant from the National Science Centre (NCN), dr hab. Agnieszka Golec de Zavala from the Poznań Faculty of Psychology will study whether aggresive behaviors of collective narcissists stem from their inability to cope with emotions. Additionally, the goal of the project is to determine if (and how) mindful gratitude can reduce retaliatory aggression.

Can certain values facilitate happiness?

Psychologists claim that being happy is easier for some people. Those, who are sociable, emotionally stable, not overly sensitive, active and strong tend to be happier. Actually, the set of character traits needed to achieve happiness is alrady known. However, it does not mean that learned behaviors and one's values do not influence well-being. Thus the question arises - can certain values facilitate happiness?

People intuitively know what happiness is, however, in psychology this term is defined in various ways. The project will take into consideration two definitions of happiness: hedonistic approach - happiness understood as having a pleasant life and eudaimonistic approach - happiness defined as living a good life, spent on achiving one's full potential.

Thanks to the grant from the NCN, dr Agnieszka Bojanowska from the Poznań Faculty of Psychology will conduct three studies involving close to 1000 participants. The project will take three years to complete.

Transition to motherhood across three generations of Polish women

The aim of the GEMTRA (GEnerations of Mothers in TRAnsition) project is to examine experiences related to becoming a mother in Poland, over the past fifty years, from a socio-historical perspective. Generally, it has been demonstrated that the so called transition to motherhood – which means becoming a mother for the first time – constitutes a turning point in a woman’s life. Parenthood not only marks the stage of real adulthood, but it also impacts other life decisions, such as employment or migration. At the same time, research describing how this transition process actually occurs in Poland is scarce. Particularly little is known about the role of the social context. In other words, little attention has been paid to the fact that motherhood ‘takes place’ in a specific biographic and historical moment, which, in turn, determines the expectations and challenges associated with becoming a mother. More broadly, in this project researchers seek to indicate similarities and differences in the biographies, decisions, and characteristics of three generations of Polish women.

Thanks to the grant from the NCN, dr Paulina Pustułka from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will conduct 100 interviews with Polish women from different age groups. The research will help to determine whether young Polish mothers repeat motherhood models of previous generations (and if yes, then to what degree), or whether they create new ways of mothering, aligned with the life in the 21st century.

Currently, researchers from SWPS University are conducting 205 projects, worth close to PLN 31M. Over the past year, 27 new projects received funding worth PLN 11.3M. We owe this success to the effectiveness of our Office for Research and the commitment of our scientists.

Piotr Metejek, Director of the Office for Research

Research Projects Awarded in the Last Edition of the NCN Competition

dr hab. Agnieszka Monika Golec 
Poznań Faculty of Psychology

  • Reducing the pain of intergroup rejection: Mindful gratitude as a way of reducing collective narcissists' retaliatory aggression
  • Competition: MAESTRO 9
  • Grant amount: PLN 3,288,000

dr Agnieszka Bojanowska
Poznań Faculty of Psychology

  • Can some values facilitate happiness? Values, engagement and self-efficacy and their significance for hedonistic and eudaimonic well-being
  • Competition: SONATA 13
  • Grant amount: PLN 439,800

dr Paulina Pustułka
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Transition to motherhood across three generations of Polish women. An intergenerational longitudinal study
  • Competition: SONATA 13
  • Grant amount: PLN 773,000

National Science Centre Competitions

SONATA is a funding opportunity intended to support the Principal Investigator in conducting innovative basic research, using advanced research equipment and/or an original methodology. MAESTRO is a funding opportunity designed for advanced researchers wanting to conduct pioneering research, including interdisciplinary research which is important for the development of science. Projects within this funding scheme should surpass the current state of knowledge, lead to the creation of a new paradigm, or forge pathways to new frontiers in that field.

Other Research Funding Sources

The National Science Centre is not the only funding source supporting research at SWPS University. The university receives grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Foundation for Polish Science, and The National Centre for Research and Development. SWPS University conducts over 300 research projects, annually.

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