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SWPS University - Main page

Poznań Campus – in the Heart of the City

Modern spaces inspired by the historic past

The Poznań Campus of SWPS University is located near the Citadel and the Old Town Square. The architecture of the building was inspired by a redoubt, which together with the St. Adalbert of Prague Fort, was a part of the 19th century fortifications of the city. Modern spaces of the Campus provide a perfect backdrop for display of art, created by world-renowned Polish contemporary artists, including Magdalena Abakanowicz - sculptor, and fiber artist, Tadeusz Kantor - painter, assemblage artist, set designer and theatre director, Jerzy Nowosielski - painter, graphic artist, set designer, and illustrator, and others.


Multimedia Classrooms

W poznańskiej siedzibie studenci uczestniczą w zajęciach w komfortowych salach dydaktycznych i warsztatowych. Słuchają wykładów w aulach i salach konferencyjnych wyposażonych w nowoczesny sprzęt multimedialny oraz komputerowy.

Psychophysiological Laboratory

The psychophysiological lab is equipped with a psycho-galvanometer, an eye-tracker, and computer stations with professional software, such as E-Prime, Inquisit, Atals.ti, and SPPS. These tools help researchers to design and conduct psychological tests, generate various visual and auditory stimuli, measure reaction times of the subject to the stimuli, and to conduct preliminary statistical analyzes of the results.

Library and Reading Room

Students and faculty have access to a library that offers over 40,000 volumes on psychology, sociology, cultural studies and other disciplines. Additionally, the library provides access to several electronic databases, including: EBSCO, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, SocINDEX with Full Text, Elsevier, and LEX Omega.

Library webpage
Biblioteka w Poznaniu


Art Gallery

The open and airy spaces of the Poznań Campus are perfectly suited for art display. Students are surrounded by contemporary art pieces by acclaimed Polish artists, including Magdalena Abakanowicz - sculptor, and fiber artist, Tadeusz Kantor - painter, assemblage artist, set designer and theatre director, Alfred Lenica - painter, Leon Tarasewicz - painter, Mariusz Kruk - painter, sculptor, and installation aritist, Wacław Taranczewski - painter, Edward Łazikowski - artist whose work includes drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, installation art, and performance art, Stefan Gierowski - painter and an avant garde artist, Jerzy Nowosielski - painter, graphic artist, set designer, and illustrator, and others.


Sports Center

Our campus has been designed for the body and soul. Students have access to four squash courts and a well-equipped gym with spinning bikes and other fitness equipment.

Smoke-free campus

Smoking is prohibited on campus, except in specially designated areas.

Access fot Individuals
with Special Needs

SWPS University is an equal opportunity institution and welcomes students with special needs and special access requirements. The Poznań Campus provides parking spaces for students with special needs. The building is equipped with ramps, lifts, and restrooms that meet accessibility guidelines. Additionally, a wheelchair lift enables access to the library and the cloakroom.

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to learn about job opportunities for international students in Poland.