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Elsevier Research Impact Leaders Award for SWPS University

Elsevier Research Impact Leaders Award for SWPS University

We are very happy to announce that SWPS University was recognized for its contribution to the visibility of Polish science around the world with the Elsevier Research Impact Leaders Award. This prestigious award confirms the high standing of our university. The Award Gala took place at the beginning of December, at the “Polish universities in the global perspective. Rankings and strategic university management” conference, organized by the Education Foundation of Perspektywy, a Polish influential monthly magazine devoted to educational affairs.

I am very happy that publications of our academics are becoming increasingly visible in international data bases, such as Scopus. The Elsevier Award confirms the effectiveness of SWPS University’s strategy as well as our ambitions and capabilities of our researchers.

Professor Roman Cieślak, Rector of  SWPS Universytetu

Elsevier Research Impact Leaders Awards

The Elsevier Award is awarded to long-standing higher education institutions and also to newer robust universities, which conduct research projects in cooperation with international partners.

Elsevier is a global information analytics business that helps institutions and professionals advance healthcare, open science and improve performance for the benefit of humanity.

The Research Impact Leaders Award recognizes higher education institutions, whose publications have had the largest impact on the visibility of Polish science in the world, in the past four years. The impact is measured by the number of publications in prestigious scientific journals, the contribution of international collaborators in the publications and the number of citations in a given discipline.

There are six award categories, including: Life Sciences/Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities, Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. To be eligible for the award the universities must have had at least 50 publications in international journals, in the years 2015-2017. Additionally, the universities must be authorized to grant post-doctoral degrees (habilitacja) in a given discipline.

SWPS University received the Elsevier award in the Humanities category.

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SWPS University Academics Awarded Elsevier Certificates


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