Europe and its direct geopolitical neighborhood have become a stage for many dramatic events and processes that no one would have dared to predict some years ago. The wars in the Middle East and the refugee crisis; the Russian-Ukrainian conflict; the economic and political tensions between the EU member states, affecting Union’s stability (e.g. Brexit); and the shocking terrorist attacks – are the most obvious examples of our day to day reality.
From a Cross-Cultural
Conflict and Cooperation in Shaping the Future of Europe
Cross-cultural psychology for integration of migrants and refugees
The conference is organized by International Assosiation for Cross-Cultural Psychology and SWPS University.
Attention participants! Обратите внимание, участники конференции Konferansın katılımcıları, Not!
Please Read our 5th Announcement Below!
Europe and its direct geopolitical neighborhood have become a stage for many dramatic events and processes that no one would have dared to predict some years ago. The wars in the Middle East and the refugee crisis; the Russian-Ukrainian conflict; the economic and political tensions between the EU member states, affecting Union’s stability (e.g. Brexit); and the shocking terrorist attacks – are the most obvious examples of our day to day reality.
These macro political problems have direct cultural roots as well as implications. Never before in its history has cross-cultural psychology been faced with such tests of practical importance. Never before have the research problems on immigration, acculturation, and inter-group relations had so much relevance. Our keynote speakers, invited symposia and round table debates will address these problems.
We wholeheartedly invite all IACCP members and interested psychologists to the European Regional Conference, Warsaw_2017, organized by SWPS University.

Fifth Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
This is our last announcement before you start your journey to Warsaw. Here is some practical information that might be useful during your stay in Poland.
Contact Information
Telephone: +48 22 517 9812
MOBILE: +48 577 104 971
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook: IACCP Warsaw (starting July 13)
SKYPE: IACCP European Congress (starting July 13)
SWPS University
ul. Chodakowska 19-31 (off Grochowska Street)
03-815 Warsaw
How to get to SWPS University Warsaw Campus
The nearest train station: Warszawa Wschodnia (Warsaw East)
Travel from Warszawa Wschodnia to SWPS University Campus:
- Bus 123 in the direction of Dworzec Wschodni (Kijowska) – 3 stops, get off at Mińska 02
- Bus 202 in the direction of or Gocławek Wschodni – 3 stops, get off at Mińska 02
- Taxi

In case of any questions or special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us beforehand. We will be happy to help you to the best of our ability.
Warsaw Public Transport
The public transport in Warsaw is very good. There are:
- 2 subway (Metro) lines
- Numerous trams and buses.
In the subway and in some trains and buses, the names of the stops are announced via the intercom system, sometimes in English.
We suggest that you purchase a 3-day (72h) ticket (Bilet 3-dniowy normalny) for just 36 PLN [approx. 8.00 Euro]. It allows for unlimited travel on all modes of public transportation. The ticket must be validated only once, the first time you travel on the subway, bus or tram.

Currency and Currency Exchange
Currency: Polish Zloty (PLN)
You can exchange your currency at the airport or at train stations, however, you can get a better exchange rate at currency exchange kiosks, called KANTOR, located at many places around the city.
Conference Office Hours
Friday, July 14, 17.00 – 20.00
Saturday, July 15, 10.00 – 20.00
Sunday, July 16, 8.30 - 18.30
Monday – Wednesday, July 17-19 8.30 – 19.00
Sunday, July 16th, Morning City Tours
We have planned three city tours for your enjoyment.
Sunday, July 16th, Pre-conference Tours
1. 10:00 am - Tour of Historic Warsaw: Along the Royal Tract
2. 10:00 am – Warsaw’s Jewish History Tour
Tour duration: approximately 4.5 hours
Cost 25.00 Euro
The meeting point for each tour: SWPS University Campus, at 9:30.
The tours are full, however it is still possible to register for the tour of your choice, once you arrive in Warsaw.
Other Tours
1. 20:00 to 23:00 - A Night Cruise on the Vistula River. Pass under Warsaw’s bridges on a riverboat and view the city from the waterfront. The tour has proven the most popular among our participants, but it is still possible to register, once you arrive in Warsaw.
2. Post-Conference Tour, July 20th to 22nd Kraków - Auschwitz - Wieliczka - we highly recommended this tour to those who are not in a hurry to catch a return flight. There are still places available and you may register for the tour, once you arrive in Warsaw.
Cost: 250.00 Euro.
Sunday, July 16th - Opening Ceremony
18.30 – 20.00 The courtyard of SWPS University, weather permitting
Program includes: official ceremony and entertainment.Reception will start immediately after the opening ceremony.
Monday – Wednesday, July 17th - 19th - The Conference
Start at 8.30 am with a keynote lecture, every day
6 keynote lectures in total
33 symposia
Over 30 individual paper sessions
The full program will be send to you shortly.
Tuesday, July 18th - Conference Dinner & Dance
20.00 – 00.00 (midnight) – Venue: Historical Warsaw Citadel
Program: official proceedings, dinner, disco-dance
Request to keynote speakers and symposia conveners/chairs: please provide your presentation to the staff at the reception desk one day before your session.
IACCP Code of Conduct
As the hosts, we would like to share with you the Code of Conduct developed by the Executive Committee, to be obsereved during the conference.
IACCP, Inc. (IACCP) aims to stimulate productive, enjoyable, and safe experiences at its conferences, Culture and Psychology Schools (CPS), and other professional events sponsored or represented by delegates of IACCP . We are dedicated to encouraging an environment of collegiality and mutual respect for all members, who represent diversity in nationality and ethnic background, sex, gender identity, affinity orientation, age, abilities, appearance, and religion. Attendance at an IACCP-sponsored meeting or activity, including any extracurricular activities that occur during IACCP-organized events, requires that all registered individuals and guests follow a code of conduct that stipulates that you will: IACCP, Inc. (IACCP) aims to stimulate productive, enjoyable, and safe experiences at its conferences, Culture and Psychology Schools (CPS), and other professional events sponsored or represented by delegates of IACCP . We are dedicated to encouraging an environment of collegiality and mutual respect for all members, who represent diversity in nationality and ethnic background, sex, gender identity, affinity orientation, age, abilities, appearance, and religion. Attendance at an IACCP-sponsored meeting or activity, including any extracurricular activities that occur during IACCP-organized events, requires that all registered individuals and guests follow a code of conduct that stipulates that you will: 1) treat others with respect and 2) not engage in discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and/or abuse at these events or at any social activities associated with, or occurring during, these events. IACCP discourages relationships that may create an appearance of impropriety. IACCP does not tolerate behaviors that threaten a person’s career or sense of safety. IACCP welcomes members to share observations, concerns, or experiences that were distasteful, unsettling, or inappropriate. IACCP affirms that it will take all concerns seriously. For more information, please go to IACCP Detailed Code of Conduct »
Have a safe journey to Warsaw. We look forward to meeting you in Poland.
Best regards,
The WARSAW2017 Congress Team
Fourth Announcement
Pre-conference Workshops
The pre-conference workshops will be held on Saturday, July 14 at the Gdańsk University. Gdańsk, situated on the Baltic Sea is one of the main summer vacations resorts in Poland. [The fee for each workshop is 40 Euro].
The workshops will be run by renowned experts:
Workshop #1: Cross-cultural psychology for integration of migrants and refugees (with Saba Safder, Fons van de Vijver, Natasza Kosakowska);
Workshop #2: Using the DMIS for Intercultural Consciousness and Transformational Change (with Milton J. Bennett)
Workshop #3: Introduction to multilevel modelling – using R in cross-cultural analysis (with P. Olech, M. Jurek)
All three 6-hour workshops will take place simultaneously on July 15th, 9.00-12.00 (part 1) and 13.00-16.00 (part 2), at the Faculty of
Social Sciences, University of Gdansk, Jana Bażyńskiego 4, 80-309, Gdańsk.
- Registration will open at 8.15
- Lunch to be served from 12.00 to 13.00, at the same building, where the workshops will be held (weather permitting, dining al fresco is possible)
- Integration Party will take place in the evening (starting approx. at 19.30), in nearby Sopot. More details coming soon!
If you still haven't booked your accommodation, please do not delay. Information on suggested ACCOMMODATION in Gdańsk »
Pre-Workshop Tour of Gdańsk
The Sightseeing tour of Gdańsk will take place on July 14th, the day prior to the workshops.
Please confirm your participation in the tour by sending an email with the subject line “Gdańsk city tour: YES” to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Departure for Warsaw to attend the 9th European IACCP Conference: July 16th, before 12.00 noon. Please book your trip at ASAP .
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions,
With best wishes, looking forward to seeing you all in Gdansk!
Post-Congress Tour of Kraków - Auschwitz - Wieliczka
Join us for the IACCP2017 Kraków-Auschwitz-Wieliczka Tour, planned for July 20-22, 2017. During the tour we will explore the glory of the Polish and European culture as well as the difficult and somber moments in history as we visit Kraków, the first capital of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland from 1569 to 1795, Auschwitz, and the Wieliczka Salt Mine, one of the UNESCO’s World Heritage sites that has been in operation for over 700 years. Register for the tour ».
While registering for the conference you may also opt to book affordable accommodation (20.00 Euro single room / 10.00 Euro double room /per night) at a student’s residence.
Additionally, we have provided a list of recommended hotels for your convenience. Hotel booking and payment must be made separately from conference registration. List of recommended hotels »
Sightseeing in Warsaw
We have planned three city tours for your enjoyment.
Sunday, July 16th, Pre-conference Tours
1. 10:00 am - Tour of Historic Warsaw: Along the Royal Tract
2. 10:00 am – Warsaw’s Jewish History Tour
Monday, July 17th, Conference Day Tours
1. 21:00 to 23:00 - A Night Cruise on the Vistula River. Pass under Warsaw’s bridges on a riverboat and view the city from the waterfront
2. During the Conference proceedings, a tour addressed mostly to the accompanying persons - Contemporary Warsaw: Discover Modern Warsaw.
Letters of Invitation and Visas
Presently, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants VISA waivers/exemptions to approximately 95 countries. To confirm whether you need a short-term VISA to enter Poland to attend the congress, please consult the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs »
If your country is not on the list of visa-free countries, you must contact the Embassy of the Republic of Poland or the nearest Consulate of the Republic of Poland in your country, for guidance on the application process.
As part of the VISA application process, you may be required to submit a Letter of Invitation from the Congress Organizing Committee. We will be happy to issue a Letter of Invitation upon your request. For any questions, please contact the congress team directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We look forward to meeting you in Poland.
Best regards,
The WARSAW2017 Congress Team
Important dates
- Key-note speakers and invited symposia; call for papers – 2nd Announcement, October 15, 2016
- Symposia and round table sessions submission deadline – January 31, 2017
- Symposia and round table sessions acceptance decision – February 15, 2017 - 1st decision, February 28, 2017 - 2nd decision
- Individual papers and poster presentations submission deadline - January 31, 2017
- Individual papers and poster presentations acceptance decision - February 28, 2017 - 1st decision, March 10, 2017 - 2nd decision
- Early Bird registration: March 1 - May 1, 2017
- Regular Registration: May 1 - June 15, 2017
Please download detailed submissions guidelines HERE
IACCP 2017 Pre-Conference Workshops in Gdańsk, July 14-16, 2017
Workshops at University of Gdańsk
We are happy to announce that IACCP 2017 will host “Discover Poland” pre-conference workshops in the city of Gdańsk, by the Baltic Sea. Gdańsk is the birthplace of the Solidarity Movement and the location of the renowned European Solidarity Center. Additionally, the City of Gdańsk, as the first municipality in Poland, has developed a draft Model of Integration of Migrants.
A sightseeing tour of Gdańsk has been planned for July 14th. Regardless of the tour, we recommend that all participants arrive in Gdańsk on July 14th at the latest.
Important information:
- The pre-congress workshops are open only to the registered participants of the Congress.
- The workshop fee is not included in the Conference registration fee.
- The registration for the workshops will be confirmed on the first-come, first-served basis.
- The workshop registration fee includes: lunch, an evening multicultural party, and a certificate of attendance.
- The Congress reserves the right to cancel a workshop if there are less than 15 participants.
- The maximum enrollment in any workshop is 25 people.
- Workshop registration fee: 40.00 € (no early bird)
- Contact and information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sightseeting Tour of Gdańsk - July 14, 2017
The tour of Gdańsk will include:
- Guided tour of the European Solidarity Center (cost 10.00 €), more information at the European Solidarity Center webstie »
- Visit to the Gdańsk Shipyard, the birthplace of the Solidarity Movement
- Tour of Gdańsk historic Old Town, including its main landmarks
Details to be announced soon.
Workshop Program - July 15, 2017
There will be three 6-hour parallel workshops, 9-12 (part 1), 13-16 (part 2). 20-25 participants per workshop.
The proposed workshops are focused on applied cross-cultural psychology, including research related to migration/acculturation, intervention, and intergroup interactions. The workshops will be conducted by leading scholars in the field. It is recommended that the participants develop a short summary of each workshop, highlighting critical points and conclusions and publish them on the conference webpage. The day will close with a thematic integration evening, highlighting multicultural history of the participants’ regions (e.g. traditional dances from around the world, a common music session).
Workshop 1: Cross-cultural psychology for integration of migrants and refugees
Facilitators: Saba Safdar (University of Guelph), Fons van de Vijver (Tilburg University), Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka (University of Gdansk and City Policy on Migration and Integration - Immigrants Integration Model in Gdansk*).
The workshop is aimed at bringing together researchers from the field of cross-cultural psychology and psychology of acculturation as well as practitioners working with migrants, within their respective communities. In the first part of the workshop, we will present results of studies related to three thematic areas of acculturation research: 1) gender and acculturation process, hybrid identities in polyculturalism/superdiversity, 2) evaluation of programs aiming at integration of migrants and refugees, 3) national and local governmental policies on integration of migrants
In the second part of the workshop, participants will be working in smaller groups on designing common research and applied projects or they will work on their own research initiatives. Each group will be accompanied by a facilitator, who will help the group to design their working model. The aim of the workshop is also to develop fact sheets on challenges and success that researchers and organizations face while working with newcomers. We aim to initiate cross-cultural collaboration with stakeholders and researchers attending the workshop. The workshop conclusions will be summarized and made available for perusal of other workshop participants. The main point of the proposed workshop is to examine the Gdańsk Model of Integration and to compare and examine the model with similar initiatives in other communities and societies globally. We will take a cross-disciplinary approach with an applied focus.
*City Policy and regional model of Migration and Integration of Immigrants in Gdańsk has been developed by an intersectoral and interdisciplinary team, appointed by the Mayor of Gdańsk, in May 2015. It is Poland's first cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary team that included over 140 people, representing over 80 different entities. The aim of the team was to prepare a thorough strategy for the integration of new residents from different parts of the world. The purpose of the model is to strengthen the coordination and cooperation of various entities, as well as to improve the quality of services available to immigrants in the city. The operational part of the model that outlines the recommended tasks and activities for the next two years and is currently being implemented in 8 thematic areas, including Education, Local Communities, Culture, Sport, Violence and Discrimination, Health, Work , as well as Social Welfare and Housing.
Saba Safdar (University of Guelph) is Director of the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research at the University of Guelph, Canada. With her graduate students, she conducts research examining the wide range of factors that are relevant in understanding the adaptation processes of newcomers including immigrants, refugees, and international students. She is an active member of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) where she has served different roles, including member of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the IACCP conferences and member of the Editorial Board of the JCCP. She is a member of the Executive Council of the IACCP where she serves as the Deputy Secretary General. Saba Safdar is the President of the next IACCP Congress to be held in Canada in 2018. She is the author and co-author of more than 40 publications and presented and co-presented more than 150 scientific papers. She has led and participated in a large number of multi-disciplinary and multi-country projects and has held academic appointments in Canada, the US, the UK, France, India, Kazakhstan, and Spain.
Fons van de Vijver (Tilburg University) holds a chair in cross-cultural psychology at Tilburg University, the Netherlands and an extraordinary chair at North-West University, South Africa, and the University of Queensland, Australia. He has (co-)authored around 500 publications, mainly in the domain of cross-cultural psychology. The main topics in his research involve bias and equivalence, psychological acculturation and multiculturalism, cognitive similarities and differences, response styles, translations and adaptations. He is the former editor of the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, and serves on the board of various journals and the current President of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka (University of Gdańsk) holds a doctoral degree in Psychology and works as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Gender at the University of Gdańsk (Poland). Her main area of research and practice is cross-cultural psychology of gender. She particularly focuses on social change and cultural cues fostering gender equality within societies across the world. Expert for City Policy and regional model of Migration and Integration of Immigrants in Gdańsk. Principal Investigator within PAR Migration Navigator project: Socio-Cultural and Psychological Predictors of Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality: Cross Cultural Comparison of Polish And Norwegian Families. Norway Grants, Core Call 2012 - No PolNor/202343/62/2013,
Workshop 2: Using the DMIS for Intercultural Consciousness and Transformational Change.
Facilitator: Milton J. Bennett (Director, Intercultural Development Research Institute (USA & Europe), Adjunct Professor of Sociology and core faculty member, Ph.D. program in Sustainable Human Development, (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy).
The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) is a well-known grounded theory that drives much of the design and measurement of programs in intercultural competence. This workshop will build on recent work with the DMIS applying it to consciousness, cultural identity, and transformational change. In the morning, participants will explore how knowledge paradigms, level of analysis, and a dynamic definition of culture can generate a coherent analytical structure for intercultural identity and consciousness. Building on the morning discussion, the afternoon discussions will explore some techniques for developing individual intercultural consciousness and for facilitating transformational change in organizations. In addition to identifying pathways for personal growth, the workshop will act as a group consultation regarding the development of intercultural competence in organizations.
Criteria for attending: willingness to participate for the whole day, some experience in working with intercultural environment
Useful readings by M. Bennett before the workshop:
- “Constructivist Approach to Intercultural Communication”. Entry for Kim, Y (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Wiley. (In Press)
- “Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity” Entry for Kim, Y (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Wiley. (In Press)
- More downloadable articles are on
Useful reading after the workshop:
- Bennett, M. (2013) Basic concepts of intercultural communication: Paradigms, principles, & practices. Boston: Intercultural Press.
Workshop 3: Introduction to multilevel modelling – using R in cross-cultural analysis
Facilitators: Paweł Jurek, Ph.D. and Michał Olech, Ph.D.
Since the statistical program R has gained on popularity among researchers in recent years, the program of the workshop will include the following:
- Introduction to R and R Studio using scripts
- Introduction to multilevel modelling in cross-cultural research – analysis of examples
- Scripts: 1 MLM, 2 MGCFA – introduction, analysis done by participants individually, interpretation of results, discussion
- Homework to be completed by participants and verified by trainers – feedback sent back to participants.
After the workshop the participants will be able to: run R and R studio, import data base (in excel, .csv, or .spss), use provided scripts, accommodate scripts for their own data, conduct MLM and MGCFA analysis.
Requirements for participants: personal computers with R and R Studio installed (free access, participants will be provided with the instructions on how to install the program before the workshop).
Paweł Jurek, PhD., Assistant Professor at the Institute of Psychology, University of Gdansk. Director of Research and Development Department at the Altkom Academia. Expert in the Training and Employee Development Department at the National Polish Bank. He is an expert in the field of assessment and development of employees, with several years of experience in competence management in organizations. He is an author and co-author of a number of diagnostic methods and publications in the area of organizational psychology and management.
Michał Olech, Ph.D., Doctor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics of the University of Wroclaw and the Universite Paris Sud., an expert in business data analysis in the field of human resources management. He uses his research interests (differential equations and dedicated numerical methods) in the analytical work in the field of psychometrics and Business Intelligence. At the same time he develops his interest in working with the R environment. Graduate studies "Statistical analysis and data mining in business" at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), with experience in project management (training and advisory projects).
Workshops Time and Location
Time and Location
July 14th - Sightseeing tour of Gdańsk
July 15th - Workshops
July 16th - Suggested departure to Warsaw, noon time
About the Venue
University of Gdańsk (UG) is the largest educational institution in the Pomerania region. There are eleven faculties with close to 33,000 students, doctoral students and post-graduates, who are taught by 1700 academics. The University is one of the leading educational institutions in Poland in the fields of Psychology, Law and Economic Sciences. Its Institute of Psychology offers a unique 2-year program including courses in cross-cultural psychology, coordinated by the Division of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Gender. University of Gdańsk is also involved in the implementation of the City Policy on Migration and Integration - Immigrants Integration Model in Gdansk.

Photo credit: Iga Parada
Gdańsk Travel Information
By Train
- Duration: 3 hours from Warsaw to Gdańsk. The train leaves approx. every hour.
- Cost: approx. 25.00 € (approx.. 10.00 € if bought in advance).
- For train tickets and more information on train connections go to: PKP Intercity website »
By Plane
- Duration: 50-minute flight from Warsaw to Gdańsk.
- Cost: low fare airlines offer ticket deals for as little as 15.00€ one way.
Suggested accommodation information coming soon.
I climbed Mt Fuji to invite you from there, in full IACCP gear, to the European Regional Conference, next year. Welcome to Warsaw! - Come, contribute and enjoy!
Professor Paweł Boski, Conference President
Keynote Speakers

Professor Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey
Tribute to Professor Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı by Professor Paweł Boski
I sent my last e-mail to Professor Kagitcibasi on February 28. Most likely, it remained unread:
Dear Cigdem:
I have not heard from you for some time. I know - from Fons van de Vijver - that you had some health problems, recently. I think of you often in this context, and I wish you full recovery, as it happened before. You know very well, how much I admire you academically and personally - a wonderful person you are. I think of you often. And since we have quite a size of Turkish students here, I talk of you to them, to increase their self-esteem as Turkish psychologists.
I would love to see you coming July in Warsaw, and particularly as a panelist in the discussion session on Applying Cross-Cultural Psychology to Solve the Political Problems of our Days in Europe; Refugee and Migration crisis in particular.
If you can write me a couple of words how are you feeling and what the chances we stand for having you here in Warsaw - please let me know.
I wish you the best of health,
And so it was for over thirty years, since I can recall my first contact with professor Cigdem Kagitcibasi. It was in 1986, when she organized the VIIth IACCP Congress in Istanbul. I lost myself in that big city and could not explain where I wanted to go. The only rescue contact was her telephone number. Around 11.00 pm her son came by car to the place where I was lost. That was not an experiment, but a real hospitality and human touch that so many of us could experience personally over decades.
Professor Kagitcibasi was planning to play an active role in the forthcoming Conference and an important role in the forthcoming Conference IACCP 2017, and it would definitely be a very important role. But even if not physically, she will be, symbolically, very much present with us. We are organizing a Memorial Symposium for professor Cigdem Kagitcibasi. It will be a double symposium, part of it very personal full of memories; and part of it academic, presenting and discussing HER contributions.
And now, for those of you who may be less familiar with Professor Kagitcibasi, here are some facts of her life. It should be mentioned that she served as IACCP President from 1990 to 1992. Other important facts come from a presentation by Turkish students studying at SWPS University ». The presentation was prepared in January 2017.
Dear colleagues, very soon you will get more practical information for the final registration to IACCP 2017. However today, let us concentrate on the memory of one of the most important figures in our Association and in the field of cross-cultural psychology.
Paweł Boski
IACCP 2017 Organizer
Professor Janusz Reykowski, Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Violence as the Means of Attaining Societal Goals
A world leading political psychologist, and the dean of Polish psychologists; in his long and very productive academic career, Professor Reykowski's research endeavors have covered a wide range of topics: the psychology of emotions; personality, prosocial orientations and altruism; and political psychology, for the last 30 years. He has been a champion of non-antagonistic and deliberative democracy. Actively involved in the transformation from communism to democracy in Poland. He is the founder of Psychology Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, and co-founder of SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Internationally, he served as President of the International Society for Political Psychology.
Professor Peter B. Smith, University of Sussex, UK
What does it mean to be a European? - The challenge of diversity
Professor Peter Smith is a renowned cross-cultural psychologist, former editor of the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, and President of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. He specializes in methodology, and particularly in studies on response biases across cultures. His other fields of expertise include organizational psychology and social identities, where he represents the Tajfelian legacy in British social psychology.
Professor Christian Welzel, Leuphana University, DE
The Theory of Emancipation: A Psychological Explanation of Societal Progress
Professor Christian Welzel is a political scientist, widely known for his involvement in the World Values Survey, and research on democracy in connection with cultural values and culture transformation. Theory of emancipation is the leading theme of his work, on which his lecture will be focused.
Professor Constantine Sedikides, University of Southampton, UK
Christian Self-Enhancement in Cultural Context
Professor Constantine Sedikides is the Director of the Research Center on Self-identity at University of Southampton. His illustrious academic career is connected with studying various aspects of the human self: self-evaluation motives (self-enhancement, self-protection, self-improvement); cultural/religious influences on self-esteem; narcissism; implicit and explicit strategies deployed to protect the self against threatening feedback; and nostalgia.
Professor Debi Roberson, University of Essex, UK
50 years on from the first cross-cultural investigations of perceptual categories, is there anything left to learn? [State of the Art Lecture]
Professor Debi Roberson is highly recognized for her categorical perception studies on color and facial expressions. She has been continuing the research thread initiated by Ekman and Friesen; and Heider-Rosch in the sixties of last century. She will summarize these studies, comparing advanced civilizations of the West and East with traditional cultures in Papua New Guinea and Africa,. In light of the current European situation (mass migrations, refugees, etc), discussion of the importance of understanding subtle differences on fundamental psychological processes will be provided.
Invited Symposia
Professor Veronica Benet - Martinez, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, ES
Europe’s culture(s): Negotiating cultural meanings, values, and identities in the European context
Professor Veronica Benet-Martinez has an outstanding research record in personality and social psychology. In the field of cross-cultural psychology she is particularly known for her work on culture frame switch and bicultural identity integration.
The symposium she convenes will aim to: (1) showcase and integrate the emerging, and yet already diverse, cultural and cross-cultural psychological research conducted within the European context, (2) formally discuss how European-based findings might compare with previously observed findings based on research with non-European cultures, and (3) shed light from a (cross-)cultural perspective onto the current challenges that European identity faces.
Professor Michael H. Bond, Hong-Kong University/Polytechnic
Cross-cultural issues in political psychology
Professor Michael Harris Bond, has for decades been one of the central figures in cross-cultural psychology, specializing in personality and social psychology research. He is, with the late Kwok Leung, a co-author of social axioms theory.
At the conference, he will lead a symposium on cross-cultural issues in political psychology.
Professor Vassilis Saroglou, University of Louvain, BE
Cultures and Religions: Understanding Muslim-Christian Relations in Secularized Europe
Professor Vassilis Saroglou is a former President of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion, Fellow of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, and recipient of the William James Award 2017 from the American Psychological Association-Division 36.
The symposium will focus on cross-cultural psychological issues related to: (a) the interplay between religion and ethnicity, (b) inter-religious relations and conflict, and (c) the role of the secular cultural context of European countries.
Professor Michał Bilewicz, University of Warsaw
The Impact of History and it's Representations on Current Psychological Processes
Professor Michał Bilewicz is Director of the Center for the Study of Prejudice at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. He specializes in historically entrenched, antagonistic and prosocial intergroup relations.
Psychological studies on prejudice and discrimination occur within the context of current events and historical events which feed collective memory across generations. Studies from various arenas, bridging psychology and history will be presented.
Professor Vladimir A. Yanczuk, Belarus State University; Minsk, BY
Intercultural Dialogue Between Antagonists: Is it Possible?
Professor Vladimir A. Yanczuk holds a position at the Belarus State University and at the Academy of Postgraduate Education in Minsk. Professor Yanczuk is a regularly invited scholar to top universities in the former Soviet Republics. He is member of numerous Belarus, Russian and international committees and associations, and group research projects on academic and applied psychology.
National conflicts between Russia and its neighbors, former USSR republics, have escalated in recent years. The symposium will present research data and panel discussion between East European scholars.
Professor Milton J. Bennett, Intercultural Development Research Institute, Portland, Oregon, USA / Milano, Italy
The Unfulfilled Promise of Intercultural Identity?
Professor Milton J. Bennett is the author of Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS), which offers theoretical foundations for research and professional practice. His stage model proposes a developmental path from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism. This model is broadly implemented in intercultural training programs.
Professor Bennett is a Director of Intercultural Development Research Institute, he splits his scholarly and professional activities between Oregon in USA and Milano in Italy.
Prior to the conference, he will lead a workshop, in Gdańsk as well as a symposium/panel discussion, in Warsaw.
Early Bird to 04/15/17
- Regular IACCP members - 250 EUR
- Non-members of IACCP - 360 EUR
- Participants from low income countries (irrespective of membership) - 160 EUR
- Students (all categories) - 130 EUR
- Accompanying persons - 130 EUR
Regular after 06/16/17
- Regular IACCP members - 310 EUR
- Non-members of IACCP - 450 EUR
- Participants from low income countries (irrespective of membership) - 200 EUR
- Students (all categories) - 160 EUR
- Accompanying persons - 160 EUR
- Professor Fons, J. R. van de Vijver - IACCP President
- Professor Klaus Boehnke - IACCP President Elect, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
- Professor Patricia Greenfield - IACCP Past President
- Professor Marta Fulop – IACCP Secretary General
- Professor Debi Roberson, University of Essex, United Kingdom
- Professor Saba Safdar, University of Guelph, Canada
- Professor Nadezhda Lebedeva, NRU, Moscow, Russia
- Professor Anu Realo, University of Tartu, Estonia
- Professor Jan Cieciuch, Cardinal S. Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
- Professor Paweł Boski, SWPS University, Conference President

- International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
- SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
- The City of Warsaw
- The Ministry of Science and Higher Education
- University of Gdansk
- Charaktery Magazyn Psychologiczny [a monthly magazine focused on Psychology]
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Chodakowska 19/31, Warsaw
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