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SWPS University - Main page

Med-Stres SOS - Helping Medical Professionals

Med-Stres SOS - Helping Medical Professionals

Figures clad in protective wear, coveralls, gloves, goggles, face shields, and face masks. Doctors, nurses, paramedics and ambulance crews. They have been working for days and weeks now, fighting the deluge of new cases of COVID-19. With very little or no rest, worrying about their patients and their own families, upset by the growing number of fatalities. They have been shouldering the mounting pressure, which is not always visible to the world through the face masks they wear. To help them cope with exacerbated stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic, psychologists from SWPS University have developed Med-Stres SOS, an online support program for medical professionals.

Med-Stres SOS

The pandemic has significantly impacted psychological wellbeing of personnel working in hospitals, medical clinics and assisting living institutions. Currently, doctors, nurses, paramedics, and supporting staff have very few opportunities to take care of themselves and their own wellness. Med-Stress SOS, developed by a team of psychologists form SWPS University, is a free psychological support program that helps medical professionals cope with exacerbated stress, resulting from working in difficult conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The program helps to improve mental wellbeing and cope with additional stress on the job. It focuses on strengthening one’s internal resources through building confidence in one’s agency and building awareness that help is available. The online program is available to anyone, anywhere, at any time. It only requires access to the internet and a device, such as a mobile phone, a tablet or a computer.

This online psychological intervention consists of eight modules that can be completed in any order for an unlimited number of times. The modules offer various exercises that take from 2 to 30 minutes and inlcude relaxation and mindfulness techniques as well as a wellness measurement.

Exercises included in the program have been developed in collaboration with experienced therapists. They are based on cognitive-behavioral techniques and findings of scientific research.

The Med-Stres SOS program is not a form of therapy, but rather it offers support in coping with professional stress experienced in difficult circumstances. All exercises available via Med-Stres SOS have been developed based on scientific data. The efficacy of the program’s prototype was confirmed during an experimental study.

Dr. Ewelina Smoktunowicz, Head of Med-Stres SOS program


Psychologists Helping Medics

"By offering free access to the Med-Stres SOS program, we want to help medical professionals to better cope with stress in their daily work, in the current situation. Although the program is open to all medical professionals, it is most useful to those, who want to continue working and need some “fuel”. Through the program, we show people how to take care of their own internal resources, which is absolutely necessary for those who want to keep helping others," says Dr. Ewelina Smoktunowicz.

Participants of the program may also enroll in a study, however participation in the study is entirely optional.

Med-Stres SOS is an initiative of Dr. Ewelina Smoktunowicz and Dr. Magdalena Leśnierowska, psychologists from SWPS University. The program is addressed to all medical professionals who have had to cope with difficult emotions and added pressure, while saving lives and helping patients, since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

Med-Stres SOS Program »
(available in Polish)

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