HumanTech Meetings – educational project
HumanTech Meetings project aims to initiate cooperation between sectors of technology and social scientists to present different perspectives on phenomena such as Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, robotics as well as virtual and augmented reality.
During these events, acclaimed international experts specializing in the related fields discuss issues concerning technological innovations and their impact on human life. The project (no. 422493) is funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, under the “Promotion of Science” funding scheme.

HumanTech Summit – conferences
In 2022 and 2023, we organized conferences focused on new technologies, under a common name HumanTech Summit. Each conference offered parallel events, such as hackathons and presentations of new immersive technologies.
HumanTech Summit 2024 is scheduled for December 7-8. Join us!
Transformator Innowacyjnosci – educational project
Innovation Transformer is an annual conference, which aims to bring together researchers and practitioners. Topics of discussion include different aspects of innovation, such as historical, social, and advanced technologies.

AI in Communication – chatbot – implementation/business project
The goal of the project was to implement a tool for the evaluation of messages (including sentiment analysis) in the human-chatbot interaction, and to adjust chatbot’s communication to maintain positive sentiment of users.
The project was financed by a grant for “Increasing Technology Readiness Level (TRL)”, which was implemented by a consortium including the WSG University of Economy and SWPS University, as part of the “Innovation Incubator 2.0 – interdisciplinary innovations for sustainable development” project.

Therapify Application – business implementation project
It was a collaboration with a startup, aimed at developing a mobile application supporting a therapist-patient relationships, by enabling daily monitoring of therapy progress. The app offers various functionalities, such as sending data to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, statistical analysis, assigning tasks, conducting surveys, obtaining immediate support, etc.
MatchBeta Project – implementation/business project
The MatchBeta project is a social innovation developed in response to one of the biggest challenges of the contemporary world – it supports employers in finding the right talent that meets certain job requirements, and helps young people in finding the right career path.
The heart of MatchBeta is an artificial intelligence system called M.A.I.A. (Matching Artificial Intelligence Assistant), which was created by PwC Data Analytics team, in collaboration with the Center for Innovation at SWPS University. Magdalena Kaczmarek, Ph.D. was the main expert working on the project.

Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - research project
The HumanTech Center has purchased a humanoid robot, Pepper, to launch a persuasive robotics project, where scientists will study the human perception of robots’ credibility and trustworthiness.
Our interdisciplinary international team includes Dr. Aleksandra Przegalińska (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/Kozminski University (ALK), and Professor Peter Gloor, MIT
Project “Akcja – Inkubacja” – community project
The Ecorys “Akcja – Inkubacja” [Action – Incubation] project, which was developed in cooperation with SWPS University’s Center for Innovation, supported social innovators. Additionally, it facilitated the implementation of a solution generation model that helped young people enter the job market. The innovation generation model included planning and development of ideas, selection of grant recipients, testing of the most promising innovations, and implementation of the best solutions.
The Center reviewed 120 proposals for innovative ideas; 60 of these proposals were tested, and 8 best solutions were further developed for implementation on a large scale.