The Neurocognitive Research Center (NRC) researches various aspects of neuroplasticity of the brain. Scientists focus on neuroplasticity in populations exposed to behavior modifying variables, in particular significant cognitive functions. The modifications include factors that have a negative impact, such as depressive disorders, aging or substance abuse, or a positive influence, such as cognitive training.
NRC includes five research teams:
- PlasticityTeam – researches neurocognitive changes caused by different types of learning interventions, such as cognitive training, video games, etc.
- WeedTeam – researches cognitive functioning in people who are occasionally using or are addicted to psychoactive substances, especially Cannabis.
- GutTeam – researches the influence of the gut microbiome on cognitive, emotional and social function.
- MoodTeam – researches changes in cognitive functions associated with variations in electric activity of the brain, in people suffering from mood disorders.
- EEGTeam – develops methods of analyzing EEG signals.