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SWPS University - Main page

Eye Tracking Research Center

Institute of Psychology

Our Eye Tracking Research Center partners with the Eye-Tracking Lab at Clemson University’s School of Computing (EYECU) in South Carolina, USA to carry out basic and applied research on the dynamics of cognitive processes such as gaze capture, human-computer interaction (HCI) – including virtual and mixed reality, multimedia in education, and accessibility of media.

centrum badan stosowanych nad zdrowiem i zachowaniami zdrowotnymi

What we do

Research Objectives

The goal of the Eye Tracking Research Center is to further develop the eye-tracking methodology and its applications, through interdisciplinary research projects combining technology with humanities and social sciences.

Members and students of the Eye Tracking Research Center actively participate in academic life and collaborate on research projects with scientists from many countries, including Belgium, Germany, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. We organize and co-organize national and international interdisciplinary conferences on eye-tracking applications in various scientific disciplines, such as one of the key international eye-tracking conferences, the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications – ETRA, which took place in Warsaw in 2018 and in Denver in 2019, which we co-organized with the Lincoln University Nebraska, and several editions of the Polish Eye-Tracking Conference.


The Eye Tracking Research Center is not only a research but also an education center. Additionally, the Center supervises a student Oculography Research Club. We carry out research in a unique lab, equipped in several stationary and mobile eye-trackers and tools for researching virtual reality.



Call for Papers: Green Digital Accessibility International Conference 2025

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Publications in English30-10-2024

Transforming Media Accessibility in Europe

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Awards & Recognition07-07-2023

Silver Medal for SWPS University's Researchers at Euroinvent

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International Meeting of Eye-Tracking Experts at SWPS University

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Lectures and meetings05-07-2021

LEAD-ME Summer Training School Warsaw 2021

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The Fifth Edition of Polish Eyetracking Conference

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Members of the Research Team and Doctoral Students

Krejtz, Izabela
Permanent employee
Role in the Faculty
{"funkcja-na-wydziale0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw"}}
Role in the Department
{"funkcja-w-katedrze0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Department of Clinical Psychology"}}
Role in the Institute
{"funkcja-w-instytucie0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Institute of Psychology"}}
Role in the Research Center
{"funkcja-w-centrum0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies"},"funkcja-w-centrum1":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Eye Tracking Research Center"}}
psychologist, specializing in determinants of wellbeing and eye-tracking research
First and last name
Izabela Krejtz
Academic degree or title
Ph.D. / Associate Professor
profesor uczelni
Ph.D. / Associate Professor Izabela Krejtzpsychologist, specializing in determinants of wellbeing and eye-tracking research
Katarzyna Kuta

Katarzyna Kuta


research interests: mobile eye-tracking, human-computer interaction, sport psychology

Katarzyna Wisiecka

Katarzyna Wisiecka


research interests: shared attention in collaboration, physiological synchrony, mobile oculography, human-computer interaction, ORCID, Google Scholar

Anna Warchoł-Jakubowska

Anna Warchoł-Jakubowska

Ph.D. Candidate / Head of the Psychological Support Department at Tramwaje Warszawskie sp.z o.o.

research interests: visual attention, traffic and transport psychology, eye-tracking, Research Gate

Agata Cybulska

Agata Cybulska

Ph.D. Candidate

research interests:Impact of musical training on central cognitive processes, eye-tracking research in musical education, reading processes

Melanie Kowalczyk

Melanie Kowalczyk

Ph.D. Candidate

research interests:hormonal influence on cognitive function, dairy studies, cognitive psychopathology, positive psychology, Research Gate


Natasza Kuziemska

Natasza Kuziemska

3rd year psychology student

Research interests: clinical psychology, social psychology, psychosomatics

Zofia Maciąg

Zofia Julia Maciąg

4th year psychology student, specialization cognitive neuroscience

research interests: eye-tracking, neurorehabilitation, neuroplasticity

Zuzanna Mikołajczyk

Zuzanna Mikołajczyk

4th year psychology student, specialization cognitive neuroscience

research interests: social influence, primacy effect and fresh start effect, conformism

Kamil Strzałkowski

Kamil Strzałkowski

2nd year psychology student at SWPS University, graduate of the University of Warsaw

Research internship

Patryk Szczeciński

Patryk Szczeciński

4th year psychology student, specialization cognitive neuroscience

Research interests: machine learning, human-computer interaction (HCI), data and signal analysis


We cooperate with researchers in Poland and abroad, including:

  • Andrew T. Duchowski, Professor (Clemson University, SC, USA)
  • Morten Fjeld, Professor (University of Bergen, Norway)
  • Anke Huckauf, Professor (Ulm University, Germany)
  • Pilar Orero, Professor (Universitat d’Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
  • Halszka Jarodzka, Professor (Open University, the Netherlands)
  • Dan Hansen-Witzner, Professor (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Aneta Pawłowska, Professor (University of Lodz, Poland)
  • Agnieszka Szarkowska, Professor (University of Warsaw, Poland)
  • Bonita Sharif, Ph.D. (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
  • Pieter Vansteenkiste, Ph.D. (Ghent University, Belgium)
  • Roman Bednarik, Ph.D. (Eastern University of Finland, Finland)
  • Monika Kornacka, Ph.D. (SWPS University, Katowice, Poland)
  • Anna Zajenkowska, Professor (Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw, Poland)


LEAD-ME Leading Platform for European Citizens, Industries, Academia and Policymakers in Media Accessibility (2020–2023)

Eyes4ICU: Eyes for Information, Communication and Understanding

A friendly city. Improving independence of visually impaired persons in using public transport in Łódź by means of a mobile app providing directions and information on local landmarks

Improving traffic efficiency and safety of tram drivers employed by Tramwaje Warszawskie – assessment of an innovative gaze concentration training

Link between menstrual cycle, anxiety, and cognitive functioning – a moderating role of oral hormonal contraceptives (2021–2024)

  • Principal Investigator: Melanie Kowalczyk; Supervisor: Izabela Krejtz, Professor; Grant no. 2020/37/N/HS6/02571

Focal Attention Span Test – FAST (2019–2021)

  • Funded by Regional Initiative of Excellence (RID) 012-RID-2018/19

Long term musical training and reading skills - an oculographic study of cognitive functions in children from 6 to 9 years of age (2017-2020)

  • Principal Investigator: Agata Cybulska; Supervisor: Izabela Krejtz, Professor

Selected Publications



Visual strategies of young soccer players during a passing test – A pilot study

Vansteenkiste, P.; Lenoir, M.; Krejtz, I.; Krejtz, K.; Journal of Eye Movement Research, 15;1; European Group for Eye Movement Research.BMJ Open, (2022) 10, e040183.

Gratitude Can Help Women At-Risk for Depression Accept Their Depressive Symptoms, Which Leads to Improved Mental Health

Tomczyk, J.; Nezlek, J.B.; Krejtz, I.; Frontiers in Psychology, (2022); 13; Frontiers Media SA.

Comparison of Webcam and Remote Eye Tracking

Wisiecka, K.; Krejtz, K.; Krejtz, I.; Sromek, D.; Cellary, A.; Lewandowska, B.; Duchowski, A.; Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (2022), 1-7.

Measuring Cognitive Effort with Pupillary Activity and Fixational Eye Movements When Reading: Longitudinal Comparison of Children With and Without Primary Music Education

Rodziewicz-Cybulska, A.; Krejtz, K.; Duchowski, A. T.; Krejtz, I.; Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (2022), 1-8.

Task Unrelated Thoughts (TUT) affecting mood in ecological settings: from adaptive mind-wandering to maladaptive rumination

Kornacka, M.; Atzeni, T.; Krejtz, I.; Bortolon, C.; Baeyens, C.; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (2022), 44;44.

Entropy of Eye Movements While Reading Code or Text

Krejtz, K.; Duchowski, A.T; Wisiecka, K.; Krejtz, I.; IEEE/ACM 10th International Workshop on Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP)(2022), 8-14; IEEE.

Dynamics of visual attention during online lectures-evidence from webcam eye tracking

Wisiecka, K.; Krejtz, K.; Krejtz, I.; Duchowski, A.; EdMedia+Innovate Learning; 1220-1230 (2022); Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Toward a Real-Time Index of Pupillary Activity as an Indicator of Cognitive Load

Jayawardena, G.; Jayawardana, Y.; Jayarathna, S.; Högström, J.; Papa, T.; Akkil, D.; Duchowski, A.T.; Peysakhovich, V.; Krejtz, I.; Gehrer, N.; Procedia Computer Science; 207; 1331-1340, (2022); Elsevier

PACMHCI V6, ETRA, May 2022 Editorial; Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction; 6

Gellersen, H.; Kasneci, E.; Krejtz, K.; Weiskopf, D.; ETRA; 1-1, (2022); ACM New York, NY, USA.

Gender differences in sensitivity to provocation and hostile attribution bias toward ambiguous facial cues in violent offenders and community-based adults

Zajenkowska, A.; Bodecka-Zych, M.; Gehrer, N.; Krejtz, K.; Lawrence, C.; Schoenenberg, M.; Jusyte, A.; (2022); Motivation and Emotion; 1-10 (2022); Springer US.

3D gaze in virtual reality: vergence, calibration, event detection

Duchowski, A. T.; Krejtz, K.; Volonte, M.; Hughes, Ch. J; Brescia-Zapata, M.; Orero, P.; Procedia Computer Science; 207; 1641-1648 (2022); Elsevier.


VXSlate: Combining Head Movement and Mobile Touch for Large Virtual Display Interaction

Le, Khanh-D.; Tran, Tanh Q.; Chlasta, K.; Krejtz, K.; Fjeld, M.; Kunz, A.; (2021) IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW); 528-529 (2021); IEEE

Toward Eye-Tracked Sideline Concussion Assessment in eXtended Reality

Schrader, A.; Gebhart, I.; Garrison, D.; Duchowski, A.; Lapadatescu, M.; Feng, W.; Thabit, M.; Wang, F.; Krejtz, K.; Petty, D. D; ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Researchand Applications; 1-11, (2021).

VXSlate: Exploring combination of head movements and mobile touch for large virtual display interaction

Le, Khanh-D.; Tran, Tanh Q.; Chlasta, K.; Krejtz, K.; Fjeld, M.; Kunz, A.; Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021; 283-297, (2021).

The factor structure of a Polish language version of the hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS)

Nezlek, J. B; Rusanowska, M.; Holas, P.; Krejtz, I.; Current Psychology; 40;5; 2318-2326; (2021); Springer US.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy reduces clinical symptoms, but do not change frontal alpha asymmetry in people with major depression disorder

Szumska, I.; Gola, M.; Rusanowska, M.; Krajewska, M.; Żygierewicz, J.; Krejtz, I.; Nezlek, J. B.; Holas, P.; International Journal of Neuroscience; 131;5; 453-461; (2021); Taylor & Francis.

A grateful disposition promotes the well-being of women with breast cancer Through adaptive coping

Tomczyk, J.; Krejtz, I.; Kornacka, M.; Nezlek, J. B.; International Journal of Women's Health; 13;579, (2021); Dove Press.

Self-compassion mediates the relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety symptoms in socially anxious individuals

Holas, P.; Kowalczyk, M.; Krejtz, I.; Wisiecka, K.; Jankowski, T.; European Psychiatry; 64; S1; S616-S617; (2021); Cambridge University Press.

The relationship between self-esteem and self-compassion in socially anxious

Holas, P.; Kowalczyk, M.; Krejtz, I.; Wisiecka, K.; Jankowski, T.; Current Psychology; 1-6, (2021); Springer US.

The factor structure of a Polish language version of the hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS);

Nezlek, J. B; Rusanowska, M.; Holas, P.; Krejtz, I.; Current Psychology; 40; 5;2318-2326; (2021); Springer US.

Diagnostic tools for assessment of cognitive functioning in children and youth–the implementation project

Bedyńska, S.; Campfield, D.; Kaczan, R.; Kaczmarek, M.; Knopik, T.; Kochańska, M.; Krasowicz-Kupis, G.; Krejtz, I.; Orylska, A.; Papuda-Dolińska, B.; Przegląd Psychologiczny; 64;2;97-111, (2021).


The Low/High Index of Pupillary Activity

Krejtz, I., Krejtz, K., Wisiecka, K., Abramczyk, M., Olszanowski, M., i Duchowski, A. (2020). Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10–21. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI’20.

Pupillary and microsaccadic responses to cognitive effort and emotional arousal during complex decision making

Duchowski, A.T., Krejtz, K., Gehrer, N.A., Bafna, T., i Bækgaard, P.; Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–12; (2020).


Eye Tracking Cognitive Load Using Pupil Diameter and Microsaccades with Fixed Gaze

Krejtz, I., Holas, P., Rusanowska, M., i Nezlek, J. B.; . Journal of Clinical Psychology1–13; (2018).

Discerning Ambient/Focal Attention with Coefficient

Krejtz, K., Duchowski, A. T., Niedzielska, A., Biele, C., i Krejtz, I.; PLOS ONE, 13(9), 1–23; (2018).

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