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Research projects

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SWPS University - Main page

Unique Teaching Program
SWPS University’s Doctoral School - Our Difference

We have developed a unique education model, which we offer in collaboration with international institutions that support universities in providing professional development for researchers. We accept candidates intent on academic and research careers. We provide them with optimal conditions for realizing their research aspirations and we help them to kick-start their scientific careers. We understand that the most effective format of education that ensures successful defense of doctoral theses requires several components such as: mentorship, collaboration with other researchers, networking, and sharing knowledge and experience with international colleagues.

Our Fine Arts and Conservation doctoral program is addressed to designers and artists, who wish to combine their artistic endeavors with research defined as creation and application of new knowledge.

  1. Top specialists

    As a doctoral candidate you will collaborate with acclaimed experts, who are recognized internationally – recipients of numerous awards, authors of publications, artist and designers who exhibited in the leading museums in Poland and across the world. Our team includes the following academics from SWPS University: Bartosz Mucha – who combines product design with sculpture, Karol Murlak – material and production process designer, Michał Jakubowicz – visual artist who specializes in photography, and Dariusz Vasina – an artist specializing in drawing, graphic design and illustration.

  2. Flexible teaching program

    Our flexible program allows doctoral students to select courses that meet their individual interests. The program includes lectures, seminars, workshops and individual meetings with thesis advisors, which enables you to gain theoretical knowledge and methodological, theoretical, and practical skills indispensable to carry out advanced research in the area of art and design.

  3. Interdisciplinary approach

    Our unique doctoral program offers interdisciplinary approach, which combines knowledge and expertise from various disciplines, including psychology, sociology, political science and public administration, communication and media studies, literary studies and culture and religion studies. Our doctoral students can take advantage of extra curricular courses that provide them with a wide range of research skills. Topics discussed during our seminars and workshops are presented from diverse perspectives and various scientific approaches.

  4. Mentoring program

    As a student of our Doctoral School you may take advantage of our innovative mentoring program, which aims to ensure additional support on your way to a doctoral degree. The program offers group workshops, peer-mentoring meetings conducive to integration of doctoral students and exchange of knowledge and best practices among doctoral candidates, and individual consultation with mentors who advise you on the development of your research career.

  5. Funding for research-related activities

    Doctoral students are eligible to receive funding for participation in conferences and other research-related activities deemed crucial for their doctoral research. You can also take advantage of various opportunities concerning collaboration with research centers abroad, which organize international conferences and symposia, and offer fellowships.

  6. Partnering with the European University Association (EUA)

    We are a member of the European University Association (EUA), which represents more than 850 universities and national conferences of rectors in 49 European countries. EUA plays a key role in the Bologna process and influences EU policy on higher education, research and innovation. Through constant interaction with a range of other European and international organizations, EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard.

    logo eua

Download study program

Doctoral scholarships
Funding of your doctoral education

We offer free of charge doctoral studies for full-time students. Throughout the whole period of doctoral studies, students receive tax-free scholarships in the amount equal to 37%, and 57% after the mid-term assessment, of a professorial remuneration specified in the government’s regulation. The scholarships are subject to social insurance deductions, which means that doctoral students contribute to their state pension capital over the period of doctoral studies. In practice, the amount of doctoral scholarships, after pension deductions, amounts to at least: net PLN 3,076.53 (before the mid-term assessment), and net PLN 4,739.51 (after the mid-term assessment).

Our Doctoral School also accepts doctoral fellows who receive scholarships from research programs carried out by researchers from SWPS University. Detailed information is available in the Admissions Regulations.

Collaboration with research teams/centers
Learning practical skills from the the best

Review information on our research centers and teams and peruse the list of thesis advisors to select the center/team that will be most aligned with your research topic. This is the first step towards your application to SWPS University’s Doctoral School. You can work with research centers and teams located at any campus of SWPS University.

Change by design logo

Change by Design Project

We specialize in legal design, which seeks socially sensitive design solutions that combine law, communication, and graphic design.

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Learn more  

Select a research center and thesis advisor
Step by step instructions

  1. Review research areas of our Institute of Design

    Before you apply to our Doctoral School, learn about research areas pursued by SWPS University's Institute of Design, and choose an area that is aligned with the topic of your doctoral thesis. Review the biographies of the thesis advisors, in particular their research interests and requirements concerning doctoral candidates. Choose an expert with whom you would like to collaborate.

  2. Contact your chosen research center

    E-mail the head of the center/research team, where your thesis advisor works. Present the scope of your proposed research project, and indicate the researcher whom you have chosen as your thesis advisor. You may also contact the selected thesis advisor directly.

  3. Obtain recommendation of the Head of the Center

    Once you receive initial approval of your potential thesis advisor, submit a request for a formal recommendation to the Head of the Research Center. You will need this document while registering in our Application Portal.

Guide to Doctoral Studies
Before you apply to SWPS University’s Doctoral School

What is a doctorate? What does the research process look like? What are the steps to writing your doctoral thesis? How does a collaboration between a doctoral student and a research center looks like? Review our Guide to Doctoral Studies to learn more about our doctoral program, mentoring, scholarships, and grants for doctoral students.

Review our Guide to Doctoral Studies

Thesis advisors
available in 2024/2025

Review profiles of the available thesis advisors. Read the attached overviews describing their research interests and thematic scope of doctoral thesis, which they can supervise.

Thesis Advisors

Thesis advisors

Bierkowski, Tomasz Center for Cultural Research of Technologies
designer, researcher, trainer, design critic
Permanent employee
First and last name
Tomasz Bierkowski
Academic degree or title
Role in the Faculty
{"funkcja-na-wydziale0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Faculty of Law and Communication in Wroc\u0142aw"}}
Role in the Department
{"funkcja-w-katedrze0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Department of Graphic Design"}}
Role in the Institute
Role in the Research Center
Professor Tomasz Bierkowskidesigner, researcher, educator, design critic

Auxiliary Thesis Advisors

Wszołek, Mariusz Change by Design Project
Permanent employee
Role in the Faculty
{"funkcja-na-wydziale0":{"Funkcja":"Vice-Dean for Student Affairs","\u0141\u0105cznik":"at the","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Faculty of Law and Communication in Wroc\u0142aw"}}
Role in the Department
{"funkcja-w-katedrze0":{"Funkcja":"Head","\u0141\u0105cznik":"of the","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Department of Graphic Design"}}
Role in the Institute
{"funkcja-w-instytucie0":{"Funkcja":" Vice-Director","\u0141\u0105cznik":"of the","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Institute of Design"},"funkcja-w-instytucie1":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Institute of Social Sciences"}}
communication design researcher, design theoretician.
First and last name
Mariusz Wszołek
Academic degree or title
Ph.D. / Associate Professor
profesor uczelni
Role in the Research Center
Ph.D. / Associate Professor Mariusz Wszołekcommunication design researcher, design theoretician.

step by step

Review detailed rules and regulations
  1. Fill in the Application Form.
    (June 3-17, 2024)
  2. Submit copies of the required documents to the Office of the Doctoral School by June 17, 2024
  3. Attend an interview (July 9-24, 2024).
  4. Wait for the admission announcement (by September 30, 2024)
  5. Submit original documents for review to the Office of the Doctoral School as soon as you are admitted (mandatory condition).


  • personal data form
  • application and motivational letter, addressed to the Admissions Committee appropriate to a particular discipline
  • Master’s degree diploma, including a diploma supplement or a university transcript, and your Grade Point Average (GPA) (copy)
  • documents confirming your achievements (copy)
  • overview of your proposed doctoral dissertation
  • confirmation of the application fee payment
  • formal approval of a research center or a research team


Rules and regulations


and scholarships

Application fee

Application fee is PLN 400

The application fee is nonrefundable regardless of the admission decision. Graduates of SWPS University are exempt from the application fee.


Funding of doctoral education

Free of charge as it is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN).
Scholarships for doctoral students
Over the period of doctoral studies, students who do not already hold doctoral degrees, receive tax-free scholarships in the amount equal to 37% (before the mid-term assessment), and 57% (after the mid-term assessment), of a professorial remuneration specified in the Minister’s regulation.
before mid-term assessment after mid-term assessment
net PLN 3,076.53 net PLN 4,739.51