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SWPS University’s 25th Jubilee Alumni - Society Category

SWPS University’s 25th Jubilee Alumni - Society Category

Activism, volunteering and initiatives undertaken to improve wellbeing of communities are some of predictors of happiness. Solving particular social problems or meeting social needs translate into social influence. Our graduates engage in many initiatives, depending on their field of expertise, be it psychology, psychotherapy, health promotion, education, and popularization of science. We highly value their commitment and are grateful for their changemaking approach to life and their communities.

Best in the Society Category

The Chancellery of the 25th Jubilee Alumni prize has selected the following graduates of SWPS University in the Society Category:

Follow the link to read about the selection criteria »

Agata Loewe

Agata Loewe

is a clinical and cross-cultural psychologist, systemic psychotherapist, sex philosopher, and sex therapist. In 2014, she established the Sex Positive Institute, where she has been supporting the Positive Sex Movement, and promoting safer, responsible, consensual behaviors as well as deliberate relationships. Since 2009, she has been collaborating with institutions promoting gender equality, gender issues, sexuality, and access to human sexual rights. For many years, apart form her private practice, Agata has been actively involved in various NGO initiatives focused on ensuring equal rights for people in danger of social exclusion, promotion of mental, reproductive and sexual health, working with organizations such as KPH, Ponton, IGLYO, Trans-fuzja, and YouAct. She is also a member of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), SCU in the United States, and Pink Therapy, the UK's largest independent therapy organization working with gender and sexual diversity clients. She is also involved in campaigns against homophobia, publishes educational podcasts, participates as an expert in webinars, and gives interviews to educate society about sexuality.

Joanna Gutral

Joanna Gutral

graduated from SWPS University with a degree in psychology, in 2015. Since then, she has been actively promoting mental health and psychotherapy initiatives. As a student, she received the Professor Z. Pietrasiński Scholarship in recognition of her contribution to the creative promotion of psychology in the community. For the past eight years, she has been co-creating “Zdrowa Głowa” (Healthy Mind) internet portal, publishing content devoted to psychotherapy, psychology and personal development. She is also a co-creator of the “Mam terapeutę” (I have a therapist) educational campaign. She completed, with distinction, a Postgraduate School of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy at SWPS University and works as a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist. Currently, she is pursuing her doctoral degree at SWPS University, and is a Principal Investigator on a research project “The relationship between social expectations, basic psychological needs, self-enhancement, and perceived changes in personality over the lifespan”, financed by the National Science Centre. She also teaches at SWPS University.

celina uherek biernat 258

Celina Uherek-Biernat

is a psychologist and supervisor, specializing in the prevention of violence in families. For the past 15 years, she has been the Director of the District Specialist Support Centre for Domestic Violence Victims, in Wodzisław Śląski, which was recognized with a bronze medal “Za Zasługi dla Policji” for its work for the good of the community. Celina organizes numerous correctional and educational intervention programs for domestic violence offenders. She teaches at SWPS University and the Police Academy in Katowice. She is also a trainer. Celina is a person with a big heart. Always open to the needs of others, helpful, engaged, kind, and ready to face any challenges, thanks to the inherent optimism and belief in the goodness of people.

Jędrzej Witkowski

Jędrzej Witkowski, Ph.D.

is a sociologist. He completed his doctoral studies at SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. He is a President of the Center for Citizenship Education (CEO), the leading civil society organization and the largest educational NGO in Poland. CEO focuses on civic education, promotes student government, develops self-confidence and a sense of agency in young Poles, and teaches respect. Jędrzej Witkoski is passionate about transformation of Polish schools, which would strengthen self-confidence in young people, teach openness, critical thinking, cooperation, responsibility, encourage volunteerism and engagement in public life. In his work, Jędrzej adheres to the key values of SWPS University. The Center for Citizenship Education bravely changes Polish schools in an open, transparent way, with a sense of responsibility for our community.

Norbert Szczepański

Norbert Szczepański

Management is the application of the right methods and techniques to achieve organizational goals, but management combined with leadership becomes an art based on proactive behavior. In today’s world, adjusting to the surrounding environment may ensure survival, however what we wish for our graduates is to change the world, not only on a micro-scale, here and now, using the acquired knowledge in completing ongoing tasks, but also on a macro-scale, by developing solutions that change the whole ecosystem. Our graduates become changemakers, and Norbert Szczepański, the Mayor of Wawer, a district of Warsaw, is just this type of person. He is open to challenges and undertakes subsequent tasks with courage, bringing the ideals of management and leadership to life.

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25th jubilee alumni
Distinguished Alumni Selection Criteria

Standing of a university is measured by people who create it. SWPS University’s alumni are a key pillar of our institution. Our 25th Jubilee is a fitting occasion to distinguish a group of 25 acclaimed graduates of our university, as they are the reason why we grow, share our achievements with the world, dream and strive to reach new goals.

25th jubilee alumni culture art media
SWPS University’s 25th Jubilee Alumni – Culture – Art – Media

Art, culture and media are significant elements of a full and happy life. They ensure cultural continuity of nations, are carriers of history, values and identity.

25th jubilee alumni society
SWPS University’s 25th Jubilee Alumni – Sport

Sport is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity improves fitness and overall wellbeing. The role of coaches and athletes, who promote active living and various sport disciplines, cannot be overstated.

Absolwent 25-lecia - Sport
SWPS University’s 25th Jubilee Alumni – Research and Teaching

Teaching and research lie at the core of any university. Academic teachers impact the standing of a university, but most importantly, they are crucial not only in conveying certain knowledge, but in igniting curiosity, motivation, and thirst for knowledge in subsequent generations of students.

25th jubilee alumni business
SWPS University’s 25th Jubilee Alumni – Business

Business significantly impacts the structure of societies and the way people live. Our alumni recognized in this category have been very successful in developing new products, tools and services that improve lives.

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Study in Poland at USWPS University: Working in multicultural teams.