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Dariusz Kowalski, Ph.D., is a lawyer, economist and attorney-at-law. His research interests include economic and financial law.

Apart from teaching at SWPS University, he collaborates with financial and business-related institutions, such as the Office of the Financial Ombudsman, where he coordinates the process of legal analysis concerning breach of consumer law in the banking and financial sector.

He has gained valuable experience while working, for several years, at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), a Polish development bank, where he was responsible for legal coordination of projects concerning loans, loan guarantees, and capital investment for businesses. He was also a member of various task forces, for example at the Office of the Ombudsman for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Polish Bank Association (ZBP), and professional organizations in the financial and business sector.

He authored and co-authored monographs and articles on entrepreneurship and financial law, which were published by Poland’s Supreme Audit Office, the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), the University of Warsaw, and other research centers in Poland and abroad.

At SWPS University he teaches classes in tax law, public procurement law, public competition law, introduction to jurisprudence, and other law-related subjects.

Related information on SWPS University website