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SWPS University - Main page


Justyna Kajta, Ph.D., researches class mobility, transition to adulthood in the times of crises, biographical experiences, and motivation of young activists. Scientifically, she is also interested in political views of young people and their engagement in civic and political initiatives.

In March 2021, she was appointed Chair of the Polish Sociological Association (PTS), the Wrocław branch.

She authored a book Młodzi radykalni? O tożsamości polskiego ruchu nacjonalistycznego i jego uczestników (Young radicals? About the Identity of the Polish Nationalist Movement) (Kraków 2020). The book received an honorable mention in the 2020 Stanisław Ossowski competition, organized by the Polish Sociological Association (PTS).

At SWPS University, she teaches classes in sociology of social movements.


Thematic areas

  • Transition to adulthood
  • The concept of "The political"
  • Young adults
  • Class mobility
  • Social movements

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