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BIO Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska





Professor Stasiuk-Krajewska is a media expert, specializing in media theory and ethics of professional communication.

Her research interests focus on theory of communication and mass media as well as axiology. She is also interested in professionalization of different branches of public communication, in particular journalism and public relations, as well as theory and methodology of discourse analysis in approaches developed by Foucault, Laclau and Mouffe.

She authored close to 70 publications, including three books, such as: “Etyka public relations: konteksty, koncepcje, kontrowersje” (Public Relations Ethics: Contexts, Concepts, Controversies) (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2011), “Krytyka kultury jako krytyka komunikacji: pomiędzy działaniem komunikacyjnym, dyskursem a kulturą masową” (Cultural Criticism as Communication Criticism: Between Communication, Discourse, and Mass Culture) (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2003), “Media i dziennikarstwo. Struktury dyskursu i hegemonia” (Media and Journalism. Structures of Discourse and Hegemony) (Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, 2018).

At SWPS University she teaches classes in communication theory, semiotics, discourse theory, journalistic ethics, public relations ethics, and mass media systems.

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