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Karolina Dukała, Ph.D., is a forensic psychologist. Her main researches focus is psychology of witness testimony, in particular the effectiveness of witness interviews and methods of lie detection. She also researches psychology of motivation, especially the aspects of initiating and maintaining engagement.

She co-organized numerous national and international projects and conferences, such as the cyclical “Cracow Conference of Psychology and Law” and the “Autism – from theory to practice” Conference. Additionally, she conducts psychology workshops for lawyers and law and order officers working in the justice system.

In her spare time, she coordinates and co-develops educational and developmental projects, such as “International doctoral studies in social-cognitive-neuroscience: CogNeS”, financed by a POWER 3.2 grant; “2015 Competence assessment for the City of Kraków, for the tourist, transportation, and logistics sectors”, “" - Innovative approach to organizational research and development”, financed by Erasmus LifeLong Learning Programme, and “Kraków Graduates of Interior Design on the job market – assessment of competences expected by potential employers.”


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