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Maksymilian Bujok

Maksymilian Bujok

Eng.D. / Assistant Professor

Faculty of Design in Warsaw
Department of Computer Science


Dr. Bujok is a physicist and researcher of complex systems. His research interests include the application of numerical methods, experimental numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, spiking neural networks, network science, simulation of social processes, and applications of statistical mechanics methods.

He defended his doctoral thesis in physics of complex systems at the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology, while at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science he taught and researched numerical methods and computational intelligence. He also completed a research fellowship at the University of Oklahoma, where he researched the application of self-organization mechanisms in 5G communication networks.

Dr. Bujok authored and co-authored many scientific publications, including: Fronczak, P., Fronczak, A., & Bujok, M. (2013). "Exponential random graph models for networks with community structure". Physical Review E 88 (3); Bujok M., Fronczak P., Fronczak A. (2014). "Percolation in the classical blockmodel", The European Physical Journal B, 87 (9).

At SWPS University, he teaches classes in mathematics and computer science.


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