Profil naukowy
Marzena Cypryańska-Nezlek, Ph.D., is a social psychologist. Her main field of research is social psychology and positive psychology. Currently, she researches climate action, perceptions and attitudes towards climate change, and the social and psychological impact of climate change. She examines the correlations between emotional reactions to threat, preventive behavior, and strategies for coping with threats. She also researches the phenomenon of social comparisons and dehumanization.
Dr. Cypryańska-Nezlek is a member of various organizations, including the Climate Council of the United Nations Global Compact Network Poland, the Expert Council of the Green REV Institute, and the Program Council at the SOC TECH LAB Foundation. In January 2025, she was appointed European Climate Pact Ambassador of the European Climate Pact in Poland.
She is a co-editor of a popular and acclaimed handbook Statystyczny drogowska [A Statistical Road Map] (2013).
At SWPS University, she teaches classes in social psychology, methodology of psychological research and lectures on social and psychological impact of climate change.
Na Uniwersytecie SWPS prowadzi zajęcia z zakresu psychologii społecznej, metodologii badań psychologicznych oraz wykłady i konwersatoria dotyczące psychologicznych i społecznych skutków zmiany klimatu.