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BIO Sandra Frydrysiak





Sandra is a sociologist and culture researcher, who specializes in gender, dance, and new media studies. She teaches at the Department of Cultural Studies of SWPS University in Warsaw, the Department of Cultural Studies of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and the Department of Dance of the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Humanities/Art/Technology Research Center at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She holds a Master’s Degrees in International Relations and Sociology from the University of Lodz and a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies from the Universidad de Oviedo.

In collaboration with the Laboratory of Interactions in Virtual Environments at the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), she researches “Cognitive Image of Dance”, where she studies the perception of dance in Virtual Reality. She is most interested in interdisciplinary research intersecting science, art, media, and technology.

Sandra wrote a book on “Taniec w sprzężeniu nauk i technologii. Nowe perspektywy w badaniach tańca” (Dance in the Recursion with Science and Technology. New Perspectives in Dance Research) (2017). She is a feminist, social activist, and antidiscrimination educator.

Additionally, Dr. Frydrysiak is the supervisor of “My Gender” Research Club at SWPS University and organizer of cultural events devoted to socio-cultural gender. She teaches classes in contemporary art, new media, dance, and cultural criticism.


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