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SWPS University - Main page

Meet our Researchers

Mirosław Filiciak


SWPS University is a leading research center in Poland. Results of our research find numerous practical applications in education, business organizations, and public administration. These discoveries require drive, courage, dedication, responsibility, and years of hard work. We would like you to meet the people behind the projects, see the research centers where they work, and discover the fascinating world of science, which improves the quality of life.

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Research Focus
Cultural and media studies: computer games, tv series, smartphones, media piracy, social networks

Mirosław Filiciak, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Department of Cultural and Media Studies in Warsaw and Director of SWPS University’s Institute of Humanities. He is also a member of the Expert Group of the Pan-European Game Information (PEGI). As a teenager, he was a self-professed geek and a pop culture nerd, who followed his passion and interests all the way to his doctoral dissertation and turned them into a successful academic and research career. Professor Filiciak is interested in cultural participation in the context of new media. Currently, his team is conducting an ethnographic study on smartphones. The researchers are studying how people use smartphones and, what is equally interesting, how smartphones use people. They also research how smartphone and app design impact human behavior and life, even on the most intimate level. To observe different aspects of human-smartphone interaction, the researchers have devised a method where users are given objects closely resembling smartphones, but which are made of stone. This allows the researchers to observe how smartphones impact muscle memory, unconscious movements, and people's habits.

What I appreciate most about academic and research work is an opportunity to meet many interesting people, an opportunity to be a part of teams with people from very different backgrounds. My background is cultural studies and film studies, but after my Ph.D. I worked on some projects with people specializing in sociology and ethnography, and it is like growing another brain or another hand - the acquiring of new skills, and you can do it over your entire career, and I find it fascinating.

Mirosław Filiciak
Mirosław Filiciak
Ph.D. / Associate Professor

Hear Prof. Filiciak speak about:

The impact of new technologies on people’s lives and political power

Smartphones are not just devices that we own. Smartphones also own us and they impact our lives in numerous ways. They provide us with 24/7 access to the Internet and social networks, which on the one hand is convenient, but on the other hand imposes certain obligations on us as members of social networks. Smartphones also track our behaviors, movements, and all our online and offline activities, which hands a lot of power to large organizations, such as corporations and also to governments.

Read more about Prof. Filiciak's research

Research Project
Following the Smartphone

The last decade in media studies has focused not only on what people do with their devices, but also how devices mine users’ personal data and how they influence users’ lives. Professor Filiciak and his team want to explore how smartphones reshape both the private and the public spheres. The project explores how individuals representing diverse social groups (e.g. social status, level of education, income, and age) use new personalized, portable technologies, which are carriers of networked individualism. Researchers will observe local residents of Warsaw, commuters, and migrants. The results of these ethnographic observations and interviews will be juxtaposed with other data sources, including expert interviews, discourse analysis, as well as quantitative data gathered from smartphones after obtaining users' consent.

Video Series
Researchers of SWPS University

Meet our researchers. Hear them talk about their passion for finding answers to scientific questions and their commitment to providing solutions, which improve the lives of individuals and communities.

The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland programme.

Meet our researchers