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SWPS University - Main page

Meet our Researchers

Bogdan Wojciszke


SWPS University is a leading research center in Poland. Results of our research find numerous practical applications in education, business organizations, and public administration. These discoveries require drive, courage, dedication, responsibility, and years of hard work. We would like you to meet the people behind the projects, see the research centers where they work, and discover the fascinating world of science, which improves the quality of life.

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Research Focus
social psychology

Bogdan Wojciszke is a Professor at the Department of Social Psychology, the Faculty of Psychology in Sopot. He researches how people perceive others and how they form moral judgements. Together with his team, he identified two basic dimensions, called ‘Agency’ and ‘Communion’, which are present in human relations. Agency (competence, assertiveness) refers to existence of an organism as an individual, to "getting ahead" and to individual goal-pursuit; communion (warmth, morality) refers to participation of an individual in a larger organism, to "getting along" and to forming bonds.

During his long-standing and distinguished career, Professor Wojciszke has mentored dozens of students who went on to successful academic careers in psychology, including SWPS University’s current Vice-Rector of Research, Professor Aleksandra Cisłak-Wójcik. His students value Professor Wojciszke’s extensive experience and his “talent for talking about complex issues in a simple and precise way, and his ability to capture, in one sentence, the essence of the problem”.

Professor Wojciszke’s contribution to the field of social psychology has been recognized in Poland and internationally. He is a recipient of the so-called Polish ‘Nobel’ Prize for Research (2016) awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science.

On the surface, a scientific career doesn’t look very interesting, just writing and reading papers and talking to your students, but what I find interesting is sharing my knowledge with colleagues from other countries, participating in conferences, and talking to people from different cultures. They usually have something different to say. I find sharing these different ideas, different points of view very exciting. This makes my life really full.

Bogdan Wojciszke
Bogdan Wojciszke

Hear Professor Wojciszke speak about:

Social psychology research on the way people form moral judgements

Professor Wojciszke explains how the process of forming moral judgements changes when people must provide a justification for their opinion. When people feel accountable for their judgments about others, they switch to a different information processing mode.

Read more about Professor Wojciszke's research

Research Institute
Institute of Psychology

The Institute of Psychology at SWPS University is responsible for the coordination and evaluation of research projects carried out by researchers and teaching-researchers employed at all Faculties of Psychology at SWPS University. The Institute has the power to grant doctoral and post-doctoral degrees (habilitacja) in the discipline of psychology. The Institute also oversees the activities of 22 research centers.
Institute of Psychology  

Video Series
Researchers of SWPS University

Meet our researchers. Hear them talk about their passion for finding answers to scientific questions and their commitment to providing solutions, which improve the lives of individuals and communities.

The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland programme.

Meet our researchers