- Project value (in PLN):
A typology of the relations between non-governmental organizations in Poland

principal investigator / project leader
project value: PLN 43,560
funding source: National Science Center
discipline: sociology
location: Warsaw
duration: 2011 2012 2013 2014
A close working relationship between NGOs, including knowledge and best practice sharing as well as common planning and project development, supports the growth of the third sector in economy. A research team, lead by Agnieszka Kaim, will examine the relationships between 30 selected NGOs and the overall condition of the NGO sector in Poland.
A typology of the relations between non-governmental organizations in Poland
Research Unit

Grant Amount 43 560 PLN
Funding Source

Duration of Research Project: 2011–2014
A close working relationship between NGOs, including knowledge and best practice sharing as well as common planning and project development, supports the growth of the third sector in economy. A research team, lead by Agnieszka Kaim, will examine the relationships between 30 selected NGOs and the overall condition of the NGO sector in Poland.
Research objectives
The main objectives of the research project are to develop the qualitative characteristic of the relations among Polish non-governmental organizations and to create a typology of these relations. The project is of great importance in the context of the debate on the state of Polish civil society and the condition of non-governmental organizations. It is aimed at completing the knowledge about the third sector with the issue of relationships within the sector – a topic which is still insufficiently examined and explained.
The results of the research on the relationship among NGOs may also be applied to social policy, while defining the framework of cooperation between the public administration and NGOs. Scientific objectives of the project will be accomplished with exploratory qualitative research. The research will be conducted on a purposive sample of thirty non-governmental organizations.
Research Team
Sałustowicz, Piotr
Role in the Department
Role in the Institute
Role in the Research Center
Academic degree or title
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First and last name
Piotr Sałustowicz
Professor Piotr Sałustowiczsociologist
Słowa kluczowe: organizacje pozarządowe, trzeci sektor, organizacje non-profit
- Agnieszka Kaim, (2014). Typologia relacji między organizacjami pozarządowymi w Polsce. Wnioski z badań pilotażowych. Pomiędzy i wewnątrz: Instytucje, organizacje i ich działania, str. 177-204, miejsce wydania: Warszawa.
- Agnieszka Kaim, (2014). Public grants and the relations between NGOs: the case of Poland. 11th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research „Civil Society and the Citizen”, data konferencji: 22-25.07.2014, str.26.