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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Research projects

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

While designing we focus on people. We aim to meet the needs of individuals, communities and the environment. Our multidisciplinary approach, combining humanities, social sciences, and design, inspires us to create innovative art and objects. We don’t shy away from materiality. We make it work for us every day.

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SWPS University
The place for
of the Future
of the Future

We carry out research in various disciplines and areas of life to find solutions to problems and challenges that the world throws at us nowadays. Increasing digitalization, information overload, fast-paced work environment, sedentary lifestyle, and bad eating habits coupled with social and political conflicts and degradation of the natural environment... are just the tip of the iceberg that we must deal with in the 21st century.

SWPS University carries out advanced research in many disciplines, such as psychology, cultural studies, social sciences, law as well as art and design. As scientists, we aim to provide research-based data-driven solutions that are both practical and useful, and truly improve the quality of life for individuals and whole communities, making the world a better place.

Interview with Professor Karol Murlak

I like to get
my hands dirty

I need to feel a strong bond with my materials

We talk with Karol Murlak, Director of SWPS University’s Institute of Design, about materials of the future. We discuss differences between artists and designers, and between the Polish School of Form and the iconic Bauhaus.

read the interview
Karol Murlak

Projects and exhibitions

We practice design that aligns materials which we use with the needs of users.


Did you know that....


The place for design


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Labs and Workshops

We teach students how to work with different materials using a variety of tools and techniques. Our specialized workshops and studios help us design innovative solutions.