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Best Student Research Club in Poland Operates at SWPS University

Best Student Research Club in Poland Operates at SWPS University

SWPS University’s Psychologist in Business Research Club has won the Pro Juvenes Award in the Research Club category. This means that the best student research club in Poland operates at SWPS University. This is a great honor and a motivation boost for our students from the Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw. Congratulations!

The Pro Juvenes competition, which recognizes the best student initiatives, is organized annually by the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP).

Best Student Research Club in Poland

The Psychologist in Business Research Club, affiliated with the Department of Economic and Business Psychology at SWPS University, was established in 2016. The Club’s supervisor is a Ph.D. candidate and Teaching Assistant Magdalena Jabłońska. The Club is very popular among the students. Every year over 100 new candidates apply to join the team. Currently, there are 65 active Club members. They call themselves “a small corporation”, because they have established a closed and hierarchical structure, resembling a company. The Research Club comprises five areas:

  • Research – in collaboration with the Department of Economic and Business Psychology, Club members research psychological aspects of various phenomena, such as image of politicians in social media, links between personality and smartphone use, and the impact of luxury goods purchases on self-esteem of young women.
  • Social media – Club members manage the Club’s social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, promote Club’s visibility on the internet, develop their graphic, copywriting and journalistic competencies, and learn search engine optimization (SEO) skills.
  • HR – Club members conduct professional recruitment processes, run Assessment Centers, and acquire team management competencies, including motivation and integration skills.
  • Public speaking and teaching – Club members practice public speaking and learn the art of self-presentation. They also develop workshops and training sessions for external organizations.
  • Events – Club members organize various events, including workshops and webinars focused on business psychology, and the Club’s annual flag conference “Psychologists in Business”.

All members of the Club have an opportunity to develop their skills under the supervision of experienced coordinators. Different sections of the Club allow students to acquire various skills indispensable on the job market, facilitate research and business networking, provide a platform for knowledge and experience exchange, and opportunities to develop and implement students’ own projects.

Club members have developed their own practices and knowhow, which they gladly share with other student organizations at scientific conferences and student club meetings.

The Club cooperates with many companies, such as Accenture, Estee Lauder, and Good Company as well as various foundations and departments of the University, such as the Office of Career Services, the Foundation of the Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship, and the DKMS Foundation, which facilitates the process of matching bone marrow donors with patients.

In the near future, the Club intends to establish a section operating in English.

“The title of the Best Research Club in Poland gives us not only prestige and recognition, but it hugely motivates us to continue learning and working hard. We owe this success to all members of our organization, who on daily basis contribute their free time, energy and effort to the Club. This award is for all of us. We are a relatively young organization, but thanks to our wonderful members we are able to achieve this type of success. We can see purpose in our work and we have created a unique community, which provides great opportunities for development. This year we are planning to extend the scope of our activity and we hope that soon, we will spread our wings even more successfully.”

Natalia Michałowska, President of the Psychologist in Business Research Club

Pro Juvenes Award

The Pro Juvenes award was establlished by the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP). The goal of the initiative is to promote student engagement and student initiatives as well as to recognize persons and organizations supportive of student activities and willing to help develop students’ potential. The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland also hopes to encourage mutual cooperation between students from all over Poland.

More about the Pro Juvenes Award »

Business Psychology Program at SWPS University

SWPS University offers graduate and five-year integrated Master’s Degree programs in Business Psychology in Warsaw, Wrocław, Poznań, Katowice and Sopot. Business psychology focuses on the analysis of psychological mechanisms that govern the economy, and it shows how to apply psychological knowledge in business contexts. Students learn about psychological aspects of employee assessment, effectiveness control, and development of employees and organizations. They also acquire knowledge about psychological aspects of financial markets, saving, investments, marketing psychology as well as image and brand development. Moreover, they learn data analysis, as well as qualitative and quantitative research methods applied in business practice.

Psychology programs in Pollish at SWPS »

Study Psychology in English at SWPS Uniwersity


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