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Virtual Vernissage: People vs. COVID

Virtual Vernissage: People vs. COVID

We are happy to announce that the best projects submitted for the “People Against COVID-19” competition have been selected. They will be presented during a virtual vernissage, which will be presented online from SWPS University’s Graphic Design Gallery in Wrocław, on May 21, 2020. The works submitted for the competition address various aspects of the epidemic. Some point out the socio-economic impact of the pandemic, others aim to cheer people up, or express helplessness, or promote the new social norms and behaviors imposed by the pandemic. A tour of the virtual exhibition will be guided by lecturers from the Department of Graphic Design, including Associate Professor Michał Jakubowski, Assistant Professor Krzysztof Moszczyński, and Assistant Professor Mariusz Wszołek.

During the live transmission the audience will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Free admission, registration required.

May 21
19:00–21:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Challenge: “People Against COVID-19” - an Opportunity to Freely Express Oneself Through Art

A game changer ̶ this is how we can describe the global impact of the coronavirus pandemic on various aspects of life, resulting in new power relations, social behaviors, relationships and human interactions. Furthermore, the pandemic is a situation where human beings are in a conflict with nature. It is not surprising that an event of such magnitude should find it expressions in art. The goal of the “People Against COVID-19” competition was to provide a platform for graphic designers to create art in its most active form ̶ the socially engaged poster.

Posters have the power to make people reflect on events, bring their attention to important issues, educate, instill socially relevant knowledge or irritate people to make them notice significant issues. The history of poster art, including the recent years, indicates that graphic design can integrate or polarize big social groups. A good example of a socially engaged posters are murals created by Banksy.

In response to our “People Against COVID-19” graphic design challenge, we received over 40 submissions and more than 50 works. All of them were of high artistic quality, which made the judging very difficult.

Join us for our Virtual Vernissage

During our virtual vernissage, which will take place at SWPS University’s Graphic Design Gallery in Wrocław, we will present best works selected by the members of the jury, inlcuding: Professor Michael Fleischer,  Associate Professor Michał Jakubowicz, Assistant Professor Krzysztof Moszczyński and Assistant Professor Mariusz Wszołek.

“We have selected 19 works, which in our opinion, address various aspects of the epidemic. Some point out the socio-economic impact of the pandemic, others aim to cheer people up, or express helplessness, or promote the new social norms and behaviors imposed by the pandemic. All these projects will be available for viewing on our webpage, because every one of them carries an important message, indicating the need to maintain social distance to foster unity and closeness,” says Dr. Mariusz Wszołek from the Department of Graphic Design, Vice-Director of the Institute of Design.

 “We really want to make this vernissage as real as possible. We cordially invite everyone, because we have made every effort to convey some of SWPS University’s atmosphere. Customary elements of a vernissage include a glass of wine and some hors d’oeuvres. Regrettably, this time the participants must provide the refreshments themselves,” add the organizers of this unique event.

During the vernissage, the audience will participate in a virtual tour of the exhibition, listen to the expert discussion, and ask questions.

Watch a teaser of the vernissage:

Curator-guided tour

The curator-guided tour of the exhibition will take place on May 21, 2020, at 19:00 CEST (UTC+2) via an online transmission available on the Department of Graphic Design’s YouTube channel .

michal jakubowicz



Associate Professor Michał Jakubowicz – lecturer at the Department of Graphic Design at SWPS University in Wrocław. A graduate of the University of Wrocław (degree in Polish Studies) and the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, where he studied photography and later received his doctorate in fine arts. His research interests revolve around visual forms in social communication as well as structures and systems of technical images. His photographs, films, drawings and texts have been presented at various exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Author of articles in numerous publications, such as Artluk, Communication Design Magazine, Dykcja, Exit, Odra, Pomosty, and Rita Baum.

krzysztof moszczynski



Assistant Professor Krzysztof Moszczyński – designer, web designer, lecturer at the Department of Graphic Design, at SWPS University in Wrocław, where he teaches visualization, presentation of empirical data, visualization techniques, programming in HTML and CSS, and design methodology. Expert in data and process visualization as well as identity design. He is also interested in various aspects of communication design, including space design, packaging, corporate identity, information design and in the development of operating systems, such as MacOSX, Android and programming in Python. In his work, he is guided by the principles of human-centered design, i.e. designing to meet the needs of users. His research interests include modeling of biological processes and bioinformatics, for example numerical methods in genetics and genomics.

michael fleischer



Assistant Professor Mariusz Wszołek – Vice-Director of the Institute of Design at SWPS University, communication expert, specializing in developing algorithms for design processes, in particular for communication design and design thinking. He works at the Department of Graphic Design, at SWPS University in Wrocław and the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication of the University of Wrocław. Editor of a series of publications titled Communication Design. Author of books and articles on advertising, design process and sustainable design. His research interests include transformation design, packaging and communication design. Recently, he has been working on projects related to legal design.


grafika swps

Date and location

May 21, 2020, at 19:00 CEST (UCT+2), online


Anna Murzyn-Romańczuk
tel. +48 71 750 72 50
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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