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ChinaTalk with François Godement (Institut Montaigne)

ChinaTalk with François Godement (Institut Montaigne)

ChinaTalk brings you the latest knowledge on the economy, social issues, management, and politics of China and East Asia. Our guest interpret the current developments and trends in the Chinese economy, and predict global, regional and bilateral outcomes of political decisions. We will talk with Professor François Godement, Senior Advisor for Asia at the Institut Montaigne, Paris, about US-China economic relations in the era of the new White House administration.

The online live meeting will be held in English. Free participation.

March 11
18:00 CET (GMT+1)

ChinaTalk with François Godement

On December 30, 2020, China and the EU signed a long-anticipated Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI), which had been negotiated since 2014. According to many commentators, the deal was announced in haste. On the one hand, Germany was eager to sign the Agreement before the end of its presidency in the Council of the EU, and on the other hand China was anticipating unfavorable shifts in US policies, which the incoming Biden administration could bring. Although it is still a long way before all conditions of the EU-China cooperation under CAI are finalized and ratified, a wave of criticism has been growing in Europe, pointing out that the deal does not do much in terms of securing a “level playing field” in the economic relations between the two partners.

In our conversation with Professor François Godement of the Institut Montaigne, Paris, we will discuss, in broad terms, the idea of fairness and reciprocity in the EU-China economic dealings, and we will wonder whether the CAI is a move in the right direction. Professor Godement, one of Europe’s leading experts on China and CAI in particular, will comment also on the role of the EU in China’s economic policies and practices, and on the engagement versus rivalry dilemma that Europe’s politicians are facing, in the context of China’s economic rise and the growing US-China economic tensions.

The meeting will be hosted by Associate Professor Marcin Jacoby, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University, and Zbigniew Niesobędzki, Ph.D., President of the Polish-Chinese Business Council - a partner of the ChinaTalk series.

ChinaTalk is a series of interviews with leading global experts on China and East Asia, produced jointly by the Polish Chinese Business Council (PCBC) and SWPS University.


About the ChinaTalk Series

ChinaTalk is a series of interviews with leading global experts on China and East Asia, produced jointly by the Polish Chinese Business Council (PCBC) and SWPS University. Interviews are hosted by PCBC President, Mr. Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, and Professor Marcin Jacoby, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University.

ChinaTalk brings you the latest knowledge on the economy, social issues, management, and politics of China and East Asia. Our guest interpret the current developments and trends in the Chinese economy, and predict global, regional and bilateral outcomes of political decisions.

Chinese relations with the European Union, and Poland in particular, constitute an important context of these discussions. The expert insights provide valuable input for business practitioners, analysts, as well as researchers and students interested in macroeconomics and global trade.





Prof. François Godement – is a Senior Advisor for Asia at the Institut Montaigne, Paris. He is also a non-resident Senior Associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C., and an external consultant for the Policy Planning Staff of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Until December 2018, he was the Director of ECFR’s Asia and China Program and a Senior Policy Fellow at ECFR. A long-time professor at France’s National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations and Sciences Po, he created Centre Asie IFRI (1985-2005), and in 2005 Asia Centre. He is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de la Rue d’Ulm (Paris), where he majored in history, and was a postgraduate student at Harvard University.
Prof. Godement recently authored the following Institut Montaigne’s policy papers: Europe and 5G: the Huawei Case (May 2019, with Mathieu Duchâtel), Digital Privacy, How Can We Win the Battle? (December 2019), Fighting COVID-19: East Asian Responses to the Pandemic (April 2020, with Mathieu Duchâtel and Viviana Zhu), Europe’s Pushback on China (June 2020), France and Germany Together: Promoting a European China Policy (November 2020, with Gudrun Wacker) and Wins and Losses in the EU-China Investment Agreement (CAI) (January 2021).


marcin jacoby



Associate Professor Marcin Jacoby – sinologist, translator, expert on socio-political processes in East Asia, particularly China and Republic of Korea. He is also Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University, where he teaches literature, art, and cultural diplomacy in China and East Asian.

zbigniew niesiobedzki



Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, Ph.D. – economist, who has had a successful career in the investment funds sector. Over the years, he worked for Deloitte, and served as board member and member of supervisory boards of many companies in the telecommunications, construction, and furniture sectors. Currently, he is President of the Polish Chinese Business Council.

Study Management and English with Chinese at SWPS Uniwersity in Warsaw
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Management and Leadership

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