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ChinaTalk with Jyrki Katainen (former Vice President of EC)

ChinaTalk with Jyrki Katainen (former Vice President of EC)

ChinaTalk brings you the latest knowledge on the economy, social issues, management, and politics of China and East Asia. Our guest interpret the current developments and trends in the Chinese economy, and predict global, regional and bilateral outcomes of political decisions. We will talk with Mr. Jyrki Katainen, former Vice President of the European Commission, about the content, value and effects of the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI).

The online live meeting will be held in English. Free participation.

April 8
16:00 CEST (UTC+2)

ChinaTalk with Jyrki Katainen

There has been much debate in Europe about the content, value and effects of the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI), signed between China and the EU, on the eve of the New Year 2021. As of now, the document with annexes is far from being finalized, and even further from being ratified by each of the EU member states. With the new American President in office and prospects of closer transatlantic cooperation in dealing with China, the EU’s CAI negotiations have been put in a different context.

We will be interviewing one of the EU’s negotiators of CAI , Mr. Jyrki Katainen, the former European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness (2014-2019). We will ask him to present the EU’s priorities that were paramount at the start of the CAI negotiations with China 7 years ago, and tell us whether these priorities have been achieved. We hope he will also reveal the ups and downs of the negotiation process. We will ask about the importance of CAI in the EU relations with China, and its significance in the process of rebuilding the transatlantic relations. More specifically, we will ponder whether it is possible to achieve an unanimous EU agreement, and why CAI omits the issue of goods and services trade with China.

The meeting will be hosted by Associate Professor Marcin Jacoby, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University, and Zbigniew Niesobędzki, Ph.D., President of the Polish-Chinese Business Council - a partner of the ChinaTalk series.

ChinaTalk is a series of interviews with leading global experts on China and East Asia, produced jointly by the Polish Chinese Business Council (PCBC) and SWPS University.


About the ChinaTalk Series

ChinaTalk is a series of interviews with leading global experts on China and East Asia, produced jointly by the Polish Chinese Business Council (PCBC) and SWPS University. Interviews are hosted by PCBC President, Mr. Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, and Professor Marcin Jacoby, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University.

ChinaTalk brings you the latest knowledge on the economy, social issues, management, and politics of China and East Asia. Our guest interpret the current developments and trends in the Chinese economy, and predict global, regional and bilateral outcomes of political decisions.

Chinese relations with the European Union, and Poland in particular, constitute an important context of these discussions. The expert insights provide valuable input for business practitioners, analysts, as well as researchers and students interested in macroeconomics and global trade.


Jyrki Katainen



Jyrki Katainen – is the current President of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund. His career has been focused on analyzing societal change, finding solutions, and making decision. Before his appointment to the position of Sitra’s President, Mr. Katainen was the European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness. Prior to that, he was the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance of Finland. During his 15 years of serving as a Member of the Finnish Parliament he held various positions, such as the Chair of the Committee for the Future.


marcin jacoby



Associate Professor Marcin Jacoby – sinologist, translator, expert on socio-political processes in East Asia, particularly China and Republic of Korea. He is also Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University, where he teaches literature, art, and cultural diplomacy in China and East Asian.

zbigniew niesiobedzki



Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, Ph.D. – economist, who has had a successful career in the investment funds sector. Over the years, he worked for Deloitte, and served as board member and member of supervisory boards of many companies in the telecommunications, construction, and furniture sectors. Currently, he is President of the Polish Chinese Business Council.

Study Management and English with Chinese at SWPS Uniwersity in Warsaw
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Management and Leadership

Management and Leadership

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