Revitalized Praga District of Warsaw
SWPS University, housed in the historic building of the High Voltage Apparatus and Devices Factory built in the 1920s, is located in the Praga District of Warsaw. Praga is one of the most iconic parts of the city. It is an area with rich history of working class neighbourhoods, big manufacturing companies and industrial architecture. It is famous for its adversity-defying character, pride, and artistic flair.
Multimedia Classrooms
The Warsaw Campus of SWPS University includes 75 classrooms and 11 lecture halls, equipped with modern audio-visual equipment. It also offers 3 conference rooms with videoconferencing capabilities and 8 state-of-the-art computer labs.
Research Laboratories
The Warsaw Campus of SWPS University houses research laboratories furnished with state-of-the-art equipment for psychophysiological research, including: an eye-tracker for capturing eye movement, electroencephalograph for brain activity mapping, galvanometer to measure electrodermal activity, electromyography equipment for evaluating and recording of the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles, and EEG amplifiers for the measurement of bioelectrical brain activity.
Simultaneous Interpretation Lab
The simultaneous interpretation laboratory is equipped with 6 professional interpretation cabins with 12 stations, including all necessary tools, such as headsets, microphones and consoles, which allow to recreate real-life working environment of professional interpreters.
Radio and Television Studia
SWPS University offers a well equipped radio and television studio, where journalism students acquire useful skills, including voice projection, the use of a teleprompter, interview skills and other competencies indispensable for radio and television professionals.
School of Form Workshops
W School of Form pracujemy projektowo. Studenci mają do dyspozycji: warsztat stolarski, w którym uczą się tradycyjnych oraz nowoczesnych technik obróbki drewna; pracownię ceramiczną przygotowaną do realizacji projektów z porcelany; warsztat maszyn numerycznych przystosowany do tworzenia prototypów i makiet; pracownię sitodruku z nowoczesną naświetlarką i myjką do sit; pracownię krawiecką wyposażoną w przemysłowe maszyny do szycia; nowoczesne laboratorium komputerowe z programami do edycji grafiki, materiałów audio i wideo; warsztat robotyczny wykorzystujący możliwości robotów Kuka; warsztat ślusarski, w którym ćwiczą obróbkę różnego rodzaju tworzyw; pracownię FabLab umożliwiającą wytwarzanie przedmiotów użytkowych za pomocą nowych technologii; wreszcie – studio foto-wideo pozwalające wcielić się w rolę fotografa, oświetleniowca, operatora kamery, scenografa a nawet reżysera.
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Carpentry Workshop
Ceramic Workshop
Numerical Mchines Workshop
Pracownia sitodruku
Tailor's Workshop
Computer Lab
Warsztat robotyczny
Locksmith's Workshop
Photo-video Studio
Modern Library and East Aasia Collection
Students have access to a computerized library that offers over 88,000 volumes and several electronic databases, including: EBSCO, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, SocINDEX, Elsevier, and LEX. Additionally, students can take advantage of the East Asia Collection of over 18,000 books and periodicals. There is also a multimedia screening room, where students and lecturers may watch films from the video library.
Library webpage
Psyche Books and Cafe
Psyche Books and Cafe is a scientific bookshop that offers publications on a variety of topics, including psychology, pedagogy, psychiatry, sociology, philosophy, business and economics, media and communications, and political studies. The bookshop also organizes interesting meetings with writers, researchers and journalists. Moreover, Psyche houses a cafe that serves aromatic coffee and delicious cakes and cookies
Restaurants and Student Zones
The Warsaw Campus of SWPS University offers two restaurants serving hot meals, salads, desserts and non-alcoholic drinks. There are also a few bistros that sell sandwiches, pastries, snacks, soft drinks, tea and coffee. Additionally, there is a small news agency on the ground floor of the main building. Between classes or in their free time, students may gather in several student zones, where they can relax or work on group projects. There are also 30 computer stations with free internet access, scattered in various parts of the campus for students’ convenience.
Smoke-free campus
Smoking is prohibited on campus, except in specially designated areas.
Access for Individuals
with Special Needs
SWPS University is an equal opportunity institution and welcomes students with special needs and special access requirements. Our Warsaw Campus provides free parking for students with moderate to severe motor disability and is equipped with ramps, a lift, and restrooms that meet accessibility guidelines. The Office for Students with Disabilities helps individuals who require assistance in moving around the building. Additionally, the library offers special equipment and software for visually impaired and all rooms are marked with numbers in Braille alphabet.
Facility Rental
in Warsaw
Modern spaces with multimedia equipment, disability access, and contemporary infrastructure as well as an attractive location in the iconic Praga District of Warsaw makes SWPS University an ideal place for business meetings, conferences, training sessions and workshops.
Rental offer (in Polish)