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Professor Karolina Zarychta-Zajączkowska is a psychologist and psychotherapist. She specializes in health psychology and researches determinants of healthy and disordered eating. She is interested in the effectiveness of psychological and therapeutic interventions.

Professor Zarychta-Zajączkowska is a certified cognitive-behavioral (CBT) therapist. She completed a 4-year psychotherapy certification program offered in collaboration between the Center of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CTPB) in Warsaw and the Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre (OCTC). She participated in professional training concerning Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), and Introduction to Schema Therapy Borderline Personality Disorder, which is recognized by the International Society of Schema Therapy [ISST]). She is also a University College London-certified evaluator of behavioral change techniques.

Over the years, she has gained professional experience while working as a psychologist and psychotherapist in hospitals, private institutions, and NGOs.

She authored numerous publications on various topics in psychology and psychotherapy, and is a reviewer of articles submitted to scientific journals.

At SWPS University Professor Zarychta-Zajączkowska teaches classes in cognitive-behavioral therapy, clinical psychology, and motivational dialogue.

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