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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

Preparatory Course
for the State Certificate in Polish as a Foreign Language

Having a State Certificate confirming fluency in the Polish language is a formal requirement in the process of applying for a Polish citizenship. The Certificate is also an asset for foreigners who wish to work in Poland. Our course will help you to prepare for the State Certificate Examination.

Additionally, during the course students become familiar with the format of the exam and the type questions they can expect. With the help of experienced language teachers and examiners, they practice writing the exam and acquire the language skills they lack. A lot of emphasis is put on advanced writing skills.

CJP logo

Detailed conditions, type of examinations and issuing of certificates as well as the standards for all skill levels are defined by the Regulation of 26 February 2016 on the Polish language examinations, issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, (Journal of Laws 2016, item 405 volume 1).


The course prepares students for the state certificate examination at the following level: B1 – intermediate

Teaching Mode:

The courses take place on weekends, online or onsite
(select your preferred option in the registration form).

Advantages of online courses:

  • You can learn from any place in the world
  • No commute
  • Access to the latest learning materials online
  • You learn using the latest user-friendly technology
  • Great sound and image quality guaranteed
  • Experienced language teachers
  • Convenience
  • Lower price

Who should enroll in the course?

Our preparatory course for the state certificate examinations in polish as a foreign language may be helpful to anyone whose first language is other than Polish, for example non-Polish nationals or Poles born and living abroad, who need to improve their Polish language skills for academic or professional reasons.

Get a Certificate

Register for the State Certificate Examination in Polish as a Foreign Language to get a certificate confirming your Polish language proficiency

State Certificate in Polish as a Foreign Language

State Certificate in Polish as a Foreign Language

Warsaw Preparatory School, Language Course Review

Fees and Payment Method
for the prep course for the state certificate exam in Polish

  • PLN 950 - online course
  • PLN 950 - onsite course

The payment for the exam should be made to the following bank account:

SWPS University
ul. Chodakowska 19/31
03-815 Warsaw
72 1750 0009 0000 0000 2770 8207

In the payment reference field, please enter the following information:
your first and last name, payment for the prep course for the state certificate exam, and the course date.