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Anna Gorzołka






Anna Gorzołka, Ph.D. is a psychologist specializing in work and organizational psychology, personal development psychology, and the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She researches psychological resilience, engagement, motivation and employee development.

Dr. Gorzołka is the Principal Investigator in a research project “Development and professionalization of the business trainer and coach profession. Comparative sociological study of the Polish and Ukrainian personal development market”. Previously, she was a Research Assistant in a project “Qualitative analysis of phenomena and symptoms associated with possession”, funded by the National Science Centre (project no. 2017/25/B/HS6/01025).

She co-authored Biała Księga Usług Rozwojowych (White Paper on Personal Development Services in Poland), which was commissioned by the Polish Chamber of Training Companies. She co-written academic handbooks, including Zarządzanie karierami w organizacjach (Career Management in Organizations) and Zasady i wybrane techniki komunikacji werbalnej (The Ruels and Selected Techniques of Verbal Communication), and authored numerous other publications, for example “Trener w teatrze świata szkoleń́. Profesjonalizacja zawodu Trenera Biznesu a wyzwania i zagrożenia edukacji lifelong learning połowy XXI wieku” (Trainers in the Theatre of the Training World. Professionalization of the Business Trainer Profession vs. Challenges and Threats of Lifelong Education in Mid 21st Century) and “Nowoczesne formy aktywizacji kompetencji – rynek szkoleń́ a rozwój pracowników w dobie innowacji” (Innovative Ways of Skill Activation – Training Market and Employee Development in the Era of Innovation).

She is a practicing ACT therapist, business trainer, coach, and a certified psychological resilience consultant with over 15 years of professional experience. She owns a training and research company. More information  

She is a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) and its Polish branch – ACBS Polska. She is the co-founder of the European Association of Coach Psychologists (ESCP).

At SWPS University she teaches classes in social psychology, community psychology, personal skills, human resources management, and ethics in applied psychology. She also teaches extramural classes in ACT therapy and psychological resilience.

She is the supervisor of the AkCepTacja Student Research Club.

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