
principal investigator / project leader
psychologist, researches traumatic stress and professional burnout
Full bio project value: PLN 1,216,531
funding source: National Centre for Research and Development
discipline: psychology
location: Warsaw
duration: 2015 2016 2017 2018
Nowadays, the understanding of the need for psychological therapy in difficult or traumatic situations and the social acceptance of psychological intervention is growing. At the same time, in Poland alone over 72 percent of people access the Internet, and close to 42 percent search the net for various information, including advice on physical and mental health. In this situation, psychological counselling provided online is a response to the increased reliance of societies on the Internet.
for the Design, Evaluation, and Sharing of Mobile Psychological Interventions on Mobile Devices
Research Unit

Grant Amount1 216 531 PLN
Funding Source

Duration of Research Project: 2015-2018
Nowadays, the understanding of the need for psychological therapy in difficult or traumatic situations and the social acceptance of psychological intervention is growing. At the same time, in Poland alone over 72 percent of people access the Internet, and close to 42 percent search the net for various information, including advice on physical and mental health. In this situation, psychological counselling provided online is a response to the increased reliance of societies on the Internet.
A Design, Evaluation and Sharing of Mobile Psychological Interventions on mobile devices (DESMoPsI) system, designed in Poland, provides an opportunity to develop psychology-based services, such as therapy, consulting, coaching, education, and training delivered online and via mobile devices.
Project Objectives
The aim of the project is to develop and implement a system for the Design, Evaluation and Sharing of Mobile Psychological Interventions on mobile devices (DESMoPsI). The DESMoPsI system will include the following components:
- A Content Management System (CMS) allowing psychologists to create internet-based psychological interventions.
- A mobile application for delivering psychological interventions on phones with Android, iOS and Windows operating systems.
- An evaluation system to ensure control over the quality, ethics and effectiveness of psychological interventions.
The DESMoPsI system represents an innovative solution, which has been developed as the result of the growing global need for therapy and other psychological interventions delivered via the Internet. In response to the dynamic development of the e-Health sector, numerous complex educational online systems that provide health-related information are created. Additionally, many tools for self-management of health and wellbeing are introduced to the market. In many countries, e.g. Netherlands and Australia, the new standard of care includes traditional visits to the doctor’s office coupled with an additional online support.
The online treatment is often an option preferred by patients and clients, because it offers anonymity, broader availability, scheduling flexibility, and lower costs than traditional in-office treatments. Medical service providers and insurance companies recognize that the effectiveness of an Internet-based intervention is, at the very least, equal to the effectiveness of a traditional treatment, which has been confirmed by clinical trials.
Therefore, the market for online and mobile psychological support is steadily growing and virtual psychological interventions are regarded as useful by both, health care professionals and patients. The DESMoPsI system is a response to the growing global need for therapy and other psychological interventions delivered via the Internet.
Research Team
Rzeńca, Krzysztof
First and last name
Krzysztof Rzeńca
Academic degree or title
psychologist, innovation broker
Role in the university
C.E.O. of the RESQL Sp. z o.o.
Role in the Faculty
{"funkcja-na-wydziale0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Center for Knowledge Transfer"}}
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Role in the Department
Role in the Research Center
M.A. Krzysztof Rzeńcapsychologist, innovation broker
During the concept phase (K, 12 months) the researchers will identify the market potential of the DESMoPsI system. They will verify the validity of the concept with the potential individual and business users as well as with the creators of online psychological interventions, and they will develop the strategy for the protection of intellectual property and ownership rights.
The researchers have identified a potential business partner, specializing in the information and communication technology (ICT), who would develop and implement the DESMoPsI system. The parties have signed a Letter of Intent, expressing a desire of cooperation in this matter. By the end of the first phase (K), the parties will develop a concept model of the DESMoPsI system.
In the following phase (B+R, 19 months), they will produce written specifications of the DESMoPsI system, a beta version of the system, a test version of the psychological interventions, a verification of utility and functionality of the system, and eventually, the final version of the system, which will be able to deliver psychological interventions via mobile devices with Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems. By the end of the phase B+R, the team will produce a reliable pilot version of the system for the design, evaluation, and sharing of psychological interventions for mobile devices.
Potential Implementation
DESMoPsI system will provide an opportunity to develop psychology-based services, such as therapy, consulting, coaching, education, and training, online or via mobile devices. Mental health professionals using DESMoPsI system will be able to easily deliver the services to their clients and patients. Since the necessary condition for the social utility of the planned system is the capability of utilizing the results of basic research, including baseline data, the system will offer evidence-based psychological therapy. Moreover, the system will provide the capability of assessing the effectiveness of the psychological intervention delivered online.
The project is a unique example of social sciences research commercialization. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for further basic and applied research on effectiveness of psychological interventions delivered online and via mobile devices.