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SWPS University - Main page

Let's meet online

of Academic Year

September 29, 2022
10.00 CEST (UTC+2)

Every inauguration of an academic year is a celebration.
It reminds us not only about tradition, the power and the significance of academic values, but also about the community of people united by these values. During the inauguration ceremony, we summarize our achievements and talk about the future.
In 2015, our institution was granted the status of a university with a social sciences and humanities profile. Today, after the announcement of a very positive evaluation of our research and artistic endeavors, we begin a new chapter in the history of our community and the institution. We now have the power to grant doctoral and post-doctoral (habilitacja) degrees in seven sub-disciplines of social sciences, humanities and the arts. By this, we have fulfilled the requirements for maintaining the university status.
I would like to invite you all to join us in this special celebration.

Professor Roman Cieślak
Rector of SWPS University

rektor prof. Roman Cieślak

A common celebration
for all SWPS University campuses

We will be celebrating the Inauguration of Academic Year 2022/2023 together as the academic community of SWPS University in all our campuses, thanks to a live transmission. To meet the needs of all our students, employees and guests, we will also provide simultaneous translation into English and in sign language.


  1. The national anthem
  2. Rector’s opening address
  3. Announcement of the Rector’s and Director General’s Awards
  4. Matriculation of the first year students and doctoral candidates
  5. Gaudeamus Igitur perfomed by SWPS University Choir
  6. Speeches by representatives of students and doctoral candidates
  7. Opening lecture
  8. Gaude Mater Polonia performed by SWPS University Choir
Rektor Uniwersytetu SWPS

Opening lecture
About art, design, and universities

Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka

Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka, Ph.D. / Assistant Professor

Dr. Jacobason-Cielecka is an art curator and critic. She is the Dean of SWPS University’s Faculty of Design in Warsaw. She is also a co-author of the design teaching program at SWPS University’s School of Form. She is active in several art-related fields. As a curator, she develops and organizes exhibitions and various art programs. As a journalist and art critic, she writes about design and comments on various phenomena and observes trends. She is a renowned promoter of young designers from Poland and other countries around the world. She is interested in design as a discipline striding both culture and economy. She curated numerous exhibitions of Polish design, presented in Europe and Asia, such as “Unpolished”, “Polished Up”, “Moderna”, “Polska Folk”, “Materia Prima”, and “Common Roots: Design Map of Central Europe” that was commissioned by the Design Museum Holon in Israel. She was also responsible for exhibitions at MAKK, a museum of applied art in Cologne, Germany, the Museum of Applied Arts in Budapest, Hungary, the Design Museum in Helsinki, Finland, and the Museum of Modern Art in Bucharest, Romania. Read full bio

Karol Murlak

Karol Murlak, Ph.D. / Associate Professor

Professor Karol Murlak is a designer. He is the Director of the Institute of Design at SWPS University. He specializes in designing public spaces and elements of their decor, including interiors, shop windows, small architecture, furniture, and lighting. He is interested in multisensory design. He cofounded the Designlab studio, which collaborated with numerous international companies and institutions, including: Deutsche Bank, Boston Consulting Group, and Martinelli Luce. His products were presented at many industry shows in Poland (including Poznań International Fair, Zamek Cieszyn – the Silesian Center for Art and Entrepreneurship, and Rondo Sztuki in Katowice) as well as internationally (including New Designers at the Business Design Centre in London, Design Week in Milan, Berlin, Frankfurt, Budapest, Prague, Bucharest, Sofia, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro). Read full bio

Watch the video form the Inauguration of Academic Year 2022/2023

View photos from the 2022/2023 Inauguration of the Academic Year


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