Piotrowski, Konrad
Principal Investigator
Role in the Faculty
{"funkcja-na-wydziale0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Faculty of Psychology and Law in Pozna\u0144"}}
Role in the Department
{"funkcja-w-katedrze0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Department of General Psychology"}}
Role in the Institute
{"funkcja-w-instytucie0":{"Funkcja":"Vice-Director","\u0141\u0105cznik":"of the","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Institute of Psychology "}}
Role in the Research Center
{"funkcja-w-centrum0":{"Funkcja":"Head","\u0141\u0105cznik":"of the","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Center for Research on Personality Development"}}
psychologist, specializing in developmental psychology, especially of adolescents and adults
First and last name
Konrad Piotrowski
Academic degree or title
Ph.D. / Associate Professor
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profesor uczelni
Role in the university
Director of the Doctoral School
Ph.D. / Associate Professor Konrad Piotrowskipsychologist, Principal Investigator in the Polish team of the Parenthood Regret Scale project