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Anna Hełka, Ph.D. is a business psychologist. She researches the impact of situational and personality factors on economic behaviors and human resources management. For the past several years she has been helping organizations with internal communications, employee recruitment, onboarding, motivation, and employee training, assessment, and development.

She was the principal investigator in a project researching the impact of situational factors on socially-oriented preferences in economic decision making, funded by Poland’s State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN). She is also a co-investigator in a project funded by the European Union: “An innovative method of shaping active education and career-related attitudes of troubled middle school youth from the Lower Silesia District of Poland”.

Anna won First Prize for the Best Student Paper presented at the 2008 International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) conference in Rome and was the winner in a competition for the best research publication on economic psychology awarded by the Academic Association of Economic Psychology (ASPE).

At SWPS University she lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students. She teaches classes in economic psychology, psychology of decision making, conflict resolution, business communication, methodology of psychosocial research, group processes, and the psychology of debt. Additionally, she conducts training sessions on recruitment, candidate selection and onboarding, employee assessment tools, and she runs train-the-trainer courses.

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